1. 本次考试难度中等,第一篇新题,但是难度不大,为熟悉的话题,第二三篇均为旧题。
2. 整体分析:涉及生物类(P1)、生物类(P2)、语言文化类(P3).
3. 主要题型:延续以往出题的特点,配对题和判断题作为主要题型出现,本次考试中配对(段落信息+人名观点)共出现3次,判断题依然出现在2篇文章;填空题和选择分别只考了1篇。本场考试中没有出现summary.
4. P1 填空题6个+判断题7个
P2 段落信息配对题5个+ 人名观点配对题4个+ 判断题4个
P3 小标题题7个+人名观点配对题4+单选题2个
5. P1 参考答案
1.primates 2.400(干扰信息1000,其他动物有1000 smell receptors,人类只有400)
3.drop 4.nightclub 5.music 6.95%
7.TRUE (hearing and vision can exactly locate对应原文locate with precision)
8.TRUE (在复杂气味中只能识别一些,对应原文4种)
9.FALSE (在识别气味时需要professionals,原文说我们自己就有这种能力)
11.FALSE (pleasant smell can evoke the strongest emotion,原文unpleasant能引发更强的记忆)
12.NOT GIVEN (sense of smell reduce in adulthood,原文未提及)
13.TRUE (与记忆相关的气味可以让我们想起童年的经历)
P2 参考文章
Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World
The world is designed for right-handed people. Why does a tenth of the population prefer the left?
A The probability that two right-handed people would have a left-handed child is only about 9.5 percent. The chance rises to 19.5 percent if one parent is a lefty and 26 percent if both parents are left-handed. The preference, however, could also stem from an infant’s imitation of his parents. To test genetic influence, starting in the 1970s British biologist Marian Annett of the University of Leicester hypothesized that no single gene determines handedness. Rather, during fetal development, a certain molecular factor helps to strengthen the brain’s left hemisphere, which increases the probability that the right hand will be dominant, because the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa. Among the minority of people who lack this factor, handedness develops entirely by chance. Research conducted on twins complicates the theory, however. One in fivesets of identical twins involves one right-handed and one left-handed person, despite the fact that their genetic material is the same. Genes, therefore, are not solely responsible for handedness.
B Genetic theory is also undermined by results from Peter Hepper and his team at Queen’s University in Belfast, Ireland. In 2004 the psychologists used ultrasound to show that by the 15th week of pregnancy, fetuses already have a preference as to which thumb they suck. In most cases, the preference continued after birth. At 15 weeks, though, the brain does not yet have control over the body’s limbs. Hepper speculates that fetuses tend to prefer whichever side of the body is developing quicker and that their movements, in turn, influence the brain’s development. Whether this early preference is temporary or holds up throughout development and infancy is unknown. Genetic predetermination is also contradicted by the widespread observation that children do not settle on either their right or left hand until they are two or three years old.
C But even if these correlations were true, they did not explain what actually causes left-handedness. Furthermore, specialization on either side of the body is common among animals. Cats will favor one paw over another when fishing toys out from under the couch. Horses stomp more frequently with one hoof than the other. Certain crabs motion predominantly with the left or right claw. In evolutionary terms, focusing power and dexterity in one limb is more efficient than having to train two, four or even eight limbs equally. Yet for most animals, the preference for one side or the other is seemingly random. The overwhelming dominance of the right hand is associated only with humans. That fact directs attention toward the brain’s two hemispheres and perhaps toward language.
F Perhaps we will know more soon. In the meantime, we can revel in what, if any, differences handedness brings to our human talents. Popular wisdom says right-handed, left-brained people excel at logical, analytic thinking. Left handed, right-brained individuals are thought to possess more creative skills and may be better at combining the functional features emergent in both sides of the brain. Yet some neuroscientists see such claims as pure speculation. Fewer scientists are ready to claim that left-handedness means greater creative potential. Yet lefties are prevalent among artists, composers and the generally acknowledged great political thinkers. Possibly if these individuals are among the lefties whose language abilities are evenly distributed between hemispheres, the intense interplay required could lead to unusual mental capabilities.
G Or perhaps some lefties become highly creative simply because they must be more clever to get by in our right-handed world. This battle, which begins during the very early stages of childhood, may lay the groundwork for exceptional achievements.
Questions 14-18
Reading Passage 2 has seven sections A-G.
Which section contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.
14 Preference of using one side of the body in animal species.
15 How likely one-handedness is born.
16 The age when the preference of using one hand is settled.
17 Occupations usually found in left-handed population.
18 A reference to an early discovery of each hemisphere’s function.
Questions 19-22
Look at the following researchers (Questions 19-22) and the list of findings below.
Match each researcher with the correct finding.
Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.
List of Findings
A Early language evolution is correlated to body movement and thus
affecting the preference of use of one hand.
B No single biological component determines the handedness of a child.
C Each hemisphere of the brain is in charge of different body functions.
D Language process is mainly centered in the left-hemisphere of the brain.
E Speech difficulties are often caused by brain damage.
F The rate of development of one side of the body has influence on hemisphere preference in fetus.
G Brain function already matures by the end of the fetal stage.
19 Marian Annett
20 Peter Hepper
21 Brenda Milner & Theodore Rasmussen
22 Michael Corballis
Questions 23-26
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
In boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
23 The study of twins shows that genetic determination is not the only factor for left-handedness.
24 Marc Dax’s report was widely accepted in his time.
25 Juhn Wada based his findings on his research of people with language problems.
26 There tend to be more men with left-handedness than women.
Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World 在右撇子世界里做左撇子
14. C 15. A 16. B 17. F 18. D 19. B 20. F 21. D 22. A
23. YES
24. NO
P3 参考文章(剑4 T2 P1 Lost for words)
Questions 27-33
The reading passage has eight paragraphs, A-H
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-H from the list below.Write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 27-33 on your answer sheet.List of Headings
i data consistency needed for language the SI TER
ii Solution for dying out language
iii positive gains for protection
iv minimum requirement for saving a language
v Potential threat to minority language
vi Value of minority language to linguists.
vii native language program launched
viii Subjective doubts as a negative factor
ix Practise in several developing countries
x Value of minority language to linguists.
xi government participation in language field
27 Paragraph A
28 Paragraph B
29Paragraph D
30Paragraph E
31Paragraph F
32Paragraph G
33Paragraph H
Questions 34-38 .............................................................................
Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-F) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-F in boxes 34-38 on your answer sheet.
A Nicholas Ostler
B Michael Krauss
C Joseph E. Grimes
D Sarah G. Thomason
E Keneth L. Hale
F Douglas H. Whalen
34 Reported language conservation practice in Hawaii
35 Predicted that many languages would disappear soon
36 Experienced languages die out personally
37 Raised language fund in England
38 Not enough effort on saving until recent work