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大作文: In many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men, so it is logical that men and women should share the housework tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  1. 本次考试Task 1是动态柱,展现的是随着年份的变化,拥有不同数量轿车的家庭所占比重的变化难度偏低。
  2. Task 2与上一场一致:同意不同意题型,考察男女在同时参与工作的情况下是否应该平等承担家务活,总体难度中等
  3. 整体分析

Task 1:动态柱图。此题显示的是拥有不同数量轿车的家庭所占比重在不同的年份中呈现出了不同的升降趋势,应该来说大家可以将柱状图中“没有车”、“有一辆车”以及“两辆及两辆以上”这三个对象按照时间相应地在图中画出变化趋势,实际上这幅柱状图变成了一幅线图,难度偏低,大家可以参考C9T2的文章。




  1. There was an upward trend in +对象
  2. A decline was found in/could be seen in +对象
  3. The year/The Britain saw/witnessed/experienced an increase in +对象
  4. account for/make up/take up/occupy…占比表达


5. 并列句:The proportion of A rose to…,and then it declined to….

6. 分词结构:The proportion of A rose to…,before dropping to…(此句还可以用after…)

7. 定语从句:The proportion of A rose to…in 1961,after which it declined to….


Task 2: 性别差异类



一、开头段观点:虽然我同意夫妻双方应该去做家务,但我不同意他们应该平等地参与家务活动。While I believe that both husbands and wives should share housework, I disagree with this idea because I do not think they should share these tasks equally.



The benefits of encouraging both genders to be responsible for housework.


1. 促进夫妻之间的感情。(It can promote the mutual affection between the couple.)

2. 如果一个人不承担责任,婚姻伴侣可能会承受沉重的压力。(If one does not shoulder the responsibility, the marriage partner is likely to be put under heavy pressure.)

3. 当两性都从事家务劳动时,可以促进性别平等。(When both genders engage in housework, gender equality could be promoted.)


However, there are two reasons against this claim.

1.我们很难甚至不可能平等地量化家务。(It is difficult or even impossible to quantify the housework equally.)这是因为在现实生活中我们不能也无法丈量每一项家务活动所耗费的体力。(This is because,in reality,we cannot measure the physical strength of each housework.)比如说,在家庭中妻子做饭,丈夫洗碗,但是我们不能也无法丈量做饭和洗碗是否耗费了同等的体力。(For example, the wife cooks and the husband washes the dishes in one family,but we can't measure whether cooking and washing the dishes cost the same amount of energy. )另外,如果过分追求平等,可能会造成夫妻关系的不睦,导致家庭纠纷。(In addition, excessive pursuit of equality may lead to disharmony between husband and wife, leading to family disputes.)从这个意义上来说,平等地量化是站不住脚的。(In this sense, equal quantification of housework is not the issue.)

2. 分配任务时还应考虑许多其他因素。(Many other factors should be considered when assigning tasks.)第一:男性和女性都有自己的优缺点(First of all,men and women have their own strengths and weaknesses)。在承担家务活动中,家庭成员应扬长避短。这样不仅有利于提升家务活动的质量和效率,还能促进个人的成就感和家庭的幸福感。(In carrying out housework activities, family members should foster their strong points and avoid shortages, which will not only help to improve the quality and efficiency of housework, but also promote personal accomplishment as well as family happiness.)第二:虽然男女都参与全职工作,但工作的强度以及个人的健康都不同。(Moreover,although both men and women participate in full-time work, the intensity of work and personal health are different.)基于此,平等地承担家务活动是不合理的。(Based on this, it is unreasonable to undertake housework on an equal footing.)


In conclusion, sharing the housework tasks equally should be based on the actual situation, and it would be both impractical and unreasonable to pay attention on ‘equal’ based on gender.





