Cities |
Work or study |
Cooking |
Tea and coffee |
Sleep |
Sky |
Shoes |
Colors |
Handwriting |
The area you live in |
Sharing |
Public holiday |
Pet |
Photos |
Patience |
Paintings |
Morning Routine |
Gift |
Emails |
Accommodation |
Stars |
Hometown |
Music |
Sports |
Describe someone that you’ve never met but want to know more
Describe an old person who is interesting
Describe an interesting person that you would like to meet
Describe an intelligent person you know
Describe a person when you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up
Describe someone you would like to work/study with
Describe a person who helps to protect the environment
Describe a teenager that you know
Describe a beautiful city that you know
Describe a place that you study
Describe an ideal house
Describe a newly built public facility
Describe an interesting part of your country
Describe something you do to help your study or work
Describe a situation when you didn’t have time for
Describe a time you received horrible service
Describe an experience that you were scared
Describe a time when you looked for information on the Internet
Describe a vacation (trip) (away from home) you would like to have in the future
Describe an activity that you do when you are alone in your free time
Describe a time that you had some medicine
Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift
Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members
Describe a time you enjoyed your free time
Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person
Describe an important decision you made with the help of others
Describe a healthy lifestyle you know
Describe a game that you liked in your childhood
Describe your grandparent’s job
Describe a present you received which was made by hand
Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event
Describe a skill that takes you long time to learn
Describe a book you want to write
Describe a historical period you like to know
Describe something lost by others but found by you
Describe a good law in your country
Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in
Describe a piece of good news you heard
Describe a kind of outdoor sport that you played for the first time
Describe a successful family business that you know
Part 1:
选择3月份考试的烤鸭们相比准备应该比较充分了吧。本季度part1里很多学生会感到困惑的可能是sky这个话题。汪老师上课的时候问学生how often do you look at the sky,经常收到懵逼脸.jpg的回应。的确,生活节奏匆匆,有多少人有那种闲情雅致时不时仰望天空呢?何况南京还时不时雾霾。那么怎么自然表达自己的这种心情呢?我们可以先自问自答一下给一点缓冲时间,用犹疑的口气说How often do I look at the sky……?然后给出自己遗憾的心情well I have to say that I don’t really do such kind of thing, 给出原因coz I study 24/7 and life seems pretty fast-paced for me, so for most of the time I am not in the mood for enjoying the sky view.
Part2最忌陈词滥调cliché,比如本季度有个话题“学习的地方”,虽然大部分学生可能不是在教室就是在图书馆学习,但如果你诚实以这两个地点作为素材的话,恐怕考官并不会有多大兴趣,而考生也说不出什么有趣的可以展现自己语言功底的内容。所以不妨把思维稍稍飘远一点,比如某个漫画咖啡厅,某个海边的小亭子,某个有钱好友家的书房…… 根据本季度其他话题来进行素材的编写和展开,会有趣得多~
再比如“收到钱的经历”,不要再停留在压岁钱和过生日or 毕业收到红包啦,不如说说好友、情侣之间有没有发过红包?有没有谁旅游回来给你带了点纪念币?part2其实可发挥的空间并不小,只看考生愿不愿意下功夫了。