Name |
Hometown |
Work or study |
Accommodation |
Cities |
Colors |
Cooking |
Crowded places |
Drinking water |
Emails |
Gifts |
Handwriting |
Holidays |
Weather |
Hometown |
Morning routine |
Movies |
Music |
Painting |
Park or garden |
Patience |
Pets |
Photos |
Public holidays |
Running |
Sharing |
Shoes |
Sky |
Sleep |
Sports |
Stars |
Sunglasses |
Tea or coffee |
Teachers |
Transportation |
Describe an old person who is interesting
Describe someone you would like to work/study with
Describe a person who helps to protect the environment
Describe an intelligent person you know
Describe an interesting person that you would like to meet
Describe someone that you’ve never met but want to know more
Describe a teenager that you know
Describe a person when you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up
Describe an ideal house
Describe a newly built public facility
Describe a beautiful city that you know
Describe a place that you study
Describe an interesting part of your country
Describe a time you received horrible service
Describe something you do to help your study or work
Describe a situation when you didn’t have time for
Describe a time when someone didn’t tell you the whole truth
Describe a success your friend has achieved
Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift
Describe an important decision you made with the help of others
Describe an experience that you were scared
Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members
Describe a time that you had some medicine
Describe a time you enjoyed your free time
Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person
Describe a complaint that you are satisfied with the result
Describe a time when you looked for information on the Internet
Describe a vacation (trip) (away from home) you would like to have in the future
Describe your grandparent’s job
Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event
Describe a healthy lifestyle you know
Describe a kind of outdoor sport that you played for the first time
Describe a something you made that you gave to others
Describe a language (except English) that you want to learn
Describe a game that you liked in your childhood
Describe a piece of good news you heard
Describe an item you bought but do not often use
Describe a book that you recently read
Describe a film or TV program that makes you laugh
Describe an important plant in your country
Describe something given to you that you really need
Describe an activity that you do when you are alone in your free time
Describe a good law in your country
Describe a successful family business that you know
Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in
Describe a historical period you like to know
Describe something lost by others but found by you
Part 1: 本季度已经接近尾声,Part 1的问题已经比较固定,相信大家经过一个季度的备考,对于各个话题的准备也会较为充分。在Part 1的考试过程中,自己准备的过的英语素材如果能用上就用,没有准备过的或者准备的不是很充分的题目,切忌回答的过于高大上,Part 1的回答还是以贴近生活为主,雅思口语考试并无task response,建议大家合理利用规则,围绕题目大胆拓展,'talk around it'而不用一直'talk about it',考官是根据四项评分标准对你所说的英语进行评分,不要总担心自己观点不好。最后如果能用些习语还是很好的,希望同学们平时多积累。
Part2:在回答Part 2的时候,很多同学只是单一的去回答底下的小问题,不做任何拓展,以致回答完了所有小问题时间还有很多。其实每一道Part 2的问题都不会仅仅只有四个小问题和它相关,只要是和大的题目相关的点,我们都可以把它视为扩展的点加入自己的回答,拓展的时候牢牢记住多描述生活中的事,多讲具体的东西。同时,不好说的小问题我们尽量少说,好说的可以充分拓展,例如描述一件家具/一种植物/一座建筑物等的外观较难回答,可以少说,花更多时间谈论与这一家具/植物/建筑物等有关的一次经历/故事。