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讨论美国的小学是否应该安排教授乐器(musical instruments)的课程。


Doing which activity do you think can help you strengthen the friendship between you and your friend?

- having a good time together with your friend

- solving your friend’s problem with him or her





阅读:对美国的小学安排教授乐器(musical instruments)的课程产生质疑。


1. 在乐器课程上花费时间意味着其它课程的学习时间要减少了,比如reading和maths,这些课在大部分人眼中是更加重要的;

2. 开设音乐课程成本高(costly),学校需要购买大量的书籍、乐器以及支付工资给新的乐器老师。这些花费都很多,长期而言,对学校是个巨大经济负担,不切实际;

3. 学习乐器对小学生的现在或未来没有什么实际用途。而且大部分学生其实并没有音乐天赋talent,而小部分有天赋的学生仅仅靠学校的基础乐器课程也是没有什么实际意义的,还是需要在私下进行练习。


1. 学习音乐对阅读和数学有辅助作用。一方面,学习音乐是需要了解数学的相关知识。如学习音符note,可以让学生了解分数fraction。另一方面,学习音乐可以提升学生的语言能力。如学习音乐可以让学生区分不同的声音会提升语言的能力。;

2. 有办法可以抵消音乐课的高成本。可以找已经退休的志愿者retired volunteers来教小学生音乐课;另外,可以向家长收取一小一部分费用,并且一个乐器可以给好几届学生用,这样既减少了学校的负担也减轻家长的负担;

3. 学习音乐对孩子的未来是有帮助的。尽管可能学习音乐不会帮助学生找到一份工作,但是学校教育的目的是让学生能够用充实的生活。



Doing which activity do you think can help you strengthen the friendship between you and your friend?

- having a good time together with your friend

- solving your friend’s problem with him or her


以下是笔者给出参考:支持having a good time together with your friend


首先,和朋友一起玩是发现和进一步发展共同兴趣的好方法(having fun with friends is an excellent way to find and further common interest)。解释句:In a relaxing atmosphere, people are more likely to communicate and interact freely, which is a great opportunity to extend topic to their interest. Once finding similar interest, friends would hang out more frequently. 举例论证。

另一方面,与朋友共度时光,有时,可以帮助加强默契的合作enjoying time with friends, sometimes, can help strengthen cooperation and tacit understanding。解释句:When having fun together, people often play some games or matches. In some cases, friends need to collaborate and discuss strategies. 举例论证。


让步段:确实,帮助朋友解决困难也能升华友谊,因为朋友会感激你为他所做的事情Admittedly, helping a friend out of a difficult situation can improve friendship, because he/she will appreciate what you have done。但是在日常生活中,朋友遇到小麻烦,往往可以自己解决,并不需要我们帮助Yet, in daily life, friends who encounter small troubles can figure out on their own and do not need any help。而遇到大麻烦,我们的能力是有限的,往往不一定能能给处于困境中的朋友提供及时有效的帮助If in big a trouble, we may not be able to provide timely and effective help to our friends as our ability is limited。何况大麻烦是小概率事件,而have fun with friends是非常普遍的。所谓朋友,一定是在一起开心放松的人The so-called friend must be someone makes you happy and relaxed staying with each other。






1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help their children do school work, parents should encourage their children to do work independently.

       2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art museums and music performance centers than on recreational facilities(like playgrounds, public swimming pool).
