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 1. a good candidate for past life = originally had some Earthlike forms of life本身具备生命痕迹

2. a wealth of = an abundance of 大量的

3. abrupt = sudden 突然的

4. abundant = plentiful 大量的

5. accompany = occur along with 伴随发生

6. accumulating = collecting 积累

7. adapt = adjust 适应

8. adequate = rich 充足

9. adjacent = nearby邻近的

10. advocated = promoted 提倡、鼓励

11. akin to = similar to = comparable to 与...相似

12. allegedly = supposedly 据说

13. alteration = modification 变化

14. altered = transformed 改变

15. apparent = obvious 明显的

16. approximating = estimating 估计

17. assess = evaluate评估,评价

18. associated with = connected to 相关的

19. at intervals = periodically时不时地

20. augmented = compounded= added to = contribute to =supplement = coupled with 增加,促进

21. authorities = experts 权威

22. autonomous = independent 独立自主的

23. be preserved = survive 得以保留

24. breakthrough = development 突破,发展

25. burdensome = difficult 繁重的

26. ceased = stopped 停止

27. characteristic = typical 典型的

28. coincide with = occur during 同时发生

29. collapsed = fell inward崩溃,瓦解

30. compelled = required 强迫的

31. compelling = persuasive 有说服力的

32. complicated = complex 复杂的

33. comprise = consist of 组成

34. congregate = gather聚集

35. consequently = as a result因此

36. conspicuous = easily noticed 明显的

37. constituents = components = pieces 组成部分

38. consumption = use of products and services 消费

39. continuous=uninterrupted 持续的、未被中断的

40. conventional = traditional 传统的

41. converge = come together 聚集

42. converted = changed 变化

43. counter = combat对抗,敌对

44. cumulatively = altogether 累积的

45. decent=appropriate得体的

46. deficiencies = shortages 缺陷

47. deliberately = intentionally 故意地

48. derive = obtain 获得

49. diffusion = spread 传播扩散

50. discrete = distinct = separate 不连续的,离散的

51. dismissed=rejected 拒绝、否定

52. dramatic = striking 剧烈的

53. emerging = appearing 出现

54. emitted = released 释放

55. encompass = include 包含

56. encountered=came into contact with 遇到

57. endure = withstand 忍受

58. episodes = occurrence 发生

59. erased = eliminated 消除

60. excavated = dug from the ground 提取

61. exclusively = solely  = only仅仅

62. exhaust=use up耗尽

63. explicit = clearly stated 详细的

64. exploiting = making use of 使用、利用

65. feasible = practical 可行的

66. flee=run away 逃跑

67. fluctuations=variations变化,波动

68. freshly=newly新鲜地

69. function功能 = purpose 目的

70. further=additionally此外

71. gradual = slow 缓慢的

72. hence=therefore 因此

73. hierarchical = having several levels of authority 阶级的

74. ideally = perfectly 完美的、理想中的

75. impeded=restricted阻碍

76. in essence = basically 本质上

77. in profusion = abundantly 丰富地

78. in retrospect = in reconsidering the past回顾,追溯

79. indefinitely = without limit 不限期地

80. indispensable = essential 不可或缺的

81. inevitable = unavoidable = necessarily 不可避免的

82. ingenuity = inventiveness 独创性

83. inhibit=slow down抑制,使…放慢

84. intact = without breaking into pieces 完整的

85. integrated = combined 结合的;integration = unity 集合

86. inviting=encouraging 鼓励、促进

87. isolating = separating 隔离

88. justify = provide a rational basis for 合理化

89. lucrative = payable 有利可图的

90. meticulously=carefully认真仔细地

91. mobilize=put into action调动

92. modest = moderate  = small 规模小,少量的

93. modified = made changes to 修改

94. more permeable=had more places where crossings could occur 更易渗透

95. obligations = responsibilities 义务

96. obtained = gathered 获得

97. occasionally = sometimes 有时

98. on balance=overall 总的来说

99. outbreak = sudden increase 爆发、突然增加

100. overlap = have parts in common 重叠

101. parameters = factors 因素

102. peak = maximum 最高

103. pertinent = relevant 相关的

104. plague = cause trouble for 招致问题

105. preliminary=initial初步的

106. prerequisite = requirement前提

107. preserving = maintaining 保留

108. Presumably=most likely 可能、大概

109. prior to = before 在之前

110. prolifically = abundantly = highly productively 丰富地,多产的

111. promoted = fostered = stimulated = encouraged 促进

112. proper = appropriate合适的

113. properties = characteristics 特点

114. proponents = supporters 支持者

115. prosperous = wealthy 富裕、繁荣

116. pursue=engage in追求、从事

117. readily = easily 轻易地

118. relentless =without pause 不停歇的

119. remarkable=impressive 引人注目的

120. replenished = restored 使恢复

121. retarding = slowing 迟滞,延迟

122. roughly = approximately 大约

123. routinely = regularly 例行公事地

124. rudimentary = elementary 基本的

125. scale = size 规模、大小

126. scarcity of = lacking in 缺乏

127. scattered = widely separated = dispersed 分散

128. scenario = version of events情境,情节

129. sequences = series 顺序、系列

130. severely =very seriously  = harsh = intensively = extremely非常严重

131. signifying = indicating 表明

132. simultaneously = at the same time 同时地

133. sparser = more thinly distributed 稀疏的

134. steadily = continually 稳定持续地

135. striking=noteworthy显著的

136. subsequently = later 后来

137. substantially = significantly = sufficiently 极大地

138. surplus = extra 剩余的,额外的

139. suspended = floating 浮动的

140. suspicion = distrust 怀疑

141. sustain = support 支持

142. systematically=methodically 系统性地

143. tangible = physical 有形的、实质的

144. task = job 任务

145. theoretically = in principle 理论上

146. ultimately = eventually = finally 最终地

147. unpromising = unfavorable = negative不利的

148. vicinity=region(临近)地区

149. virtually = nearly 几乎

150. vulnerable = easily damaged 易受伤害的
