C1 校园场景
Gym-s不能get the authority to gym equipment, P 猜测原因是s没有激活健身卡(didn’t validate her card on the orientation),说下周还有一次机会可以激活,但是s不太情愿(reluctant)。
C2 校园场景
打印店场景。s不能看清scanned assignment,去求助,还提到了解决方案是拿另外的材料rescan.
学生咨询一个在日本的实习,因为这个内容对她找工作和职业发展有帮助。老师问了她的专业,建议她要去学 sociology ,因为可以研究人们从不同国家工作和学习的情况。同时告诉学生这个实习没有 academic credit ,所以她要上一个 intensive course , 学生觉得内容有点多但也同意了。
C4 学术场景
学生 creative writing 上节课没有来,老师已经分下去一个 writing 的任务,他和另外一个没来的学生一组。要写一个 story of letters . 他以前读的 Henry Adam 的书,教授说这种形式不行。接着他说想写一个 email 为主体的故事,教授说他以前读过类似的,但是要特别注意不要写成只是词语的往复。教授举了一个 message on fridge 的例子,是一对母女用这样的方式交流,它有力地 express 了自己的内容。
C5 学术场景
学生和老师讨论paper的问题,老师说选的是hr而不是nature resource,最后选了那个办公环境
L1 化学
L2 科技
New computing and old computing (旧题) 部分原文
Ok, so it’s really important to find out what people want, what’s useful to them, before we develop new technologies, which brings me to the next point about new computing: that designs should be not only useful, but also user-friendly. Besides usefulness, usability is important. The idea that computer programs, accessories, websites, really anything related to your computer should be easy to use. Sounds simple, I know. The term user-friendly has been around for years. The problem is we don’t always create things that are easy for users to use. Take websites: many of you have probably been on websites that were really confusing. You couldn’t find the information you were looking for or there was so much information on the site that you just gave up. Again, this is where thinking like da Vinci can help. The goal is to solve problems, not create new ones. Those websites might be really easy for their designers to navigate, but they aren’t the ones who need to use the sites. So again, designers need to involve the users from the beginning to find out their expectations and what kind of tasks they want to perform.
L3 艺术
L5 历史
讨论美国政府管理体系 联邦政府和state政府同时管理 导致处理时间长等问题 还与其他拥有相似体系的国家做了对比。
L6 艺术
L8 工业设计