1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.
① Firstly, there is nothing wrong with healthy competition between friends.朋友间的良性竞争并不是件坏事。一般来说,积极的竞争(positive competition)对人们很多有好处:激励你更努力地工作,积极奋斗(motivating you to work harder and strive for more)。正如孔子所言:“三人行,必有我师焉。”(Friends are more beneficial who are better than you, one way or another)。
② Furthermore, friends strengthen their bonds through competition. 竞争可以加固友谊。诚然,朋友间会彼此竞争,但也会彼此帮助击败其他竞争对手(friends also help each other to beat other competitors),这样会使友谊更加坚固。可举身边朋友的例子或者是运动员之间互相帮助的例子:跳水运动员等。
③ 让步段:Trying to be better than your friends at everything might not be so healthy, though.比如:夹杂着愤怒和嫉妒的竞争会使友谊受到重创(a friendship could be severely damaged by competition, invariably mixed with rage and/or jealousy),而有时这些情绪又难以消化(too overwhelming to be swallowed)。若想保住友谊,保持良性竞争就非常重要and避免恶性竞争(unhealthy completion)。The right thing to do, then, is to keep competition positive, if possible at all.
2. The government wants to improve the education of high school, and there are two plans:
- Choose a group of good teachers and train them first, and after that let them go back to their schools and train other teachers;
- Provide training for every teacher online, with providing online materials and let them study individually.
Which one do you think can help achieve the goal?
以下给出一个参考思路:选择online training
① 线上培训可以让老师按照自己的时间表调整学习计划(enables the whole faculty to adjust their learning plans according to their schedules),既不影响教学又可以实现自我提升(will not exert adverse effects on their routine work and can help achieve personal improvement at the same time),但是如果把老师聚集在一起(get together),老师们就不得不有一段时间是中止教学(suspend normal teaching)的,学生可能会因为一段时间没有老师管而松懈(slack off in study),反而会影响到教学质量,很明显这不是政府所期待的。
② 线上培训可以提供一种更好的交流氛围(create a better atmosphere for communication),因为每个老师都在学习(every teacher is involved in the training process),所以所有人都可以参与讨论,而不是仅有的几个被挑选出来的好老师自己研究,这意味着如果有问题可以找更多人求助;另外在交流过程中,培训计划中原有的不恰当或不准确(inappropriate or inaccurate)的部分也可以被修正(be revised),这对于教学方法的改进、教学质量的提高都是非常有帮助的(of vital importance)。
③ 线上培训能更大程度地保证所学知识的正确性(ensure the accuracy of the information to be imparted),因为是统一的教材(study materials)统一的学习计划(training schedule),所以每个老师所学的内容都是标准化(standardized and uniform)的,然而先培训一部分人再让这部分人去教其他老师,这些先被培训(first-trained)的老师自己的学习效果(training outcome)会影响到后续的教学质量(the subsequent outcomes),可能会有一些信息就在传递的过程中被遗漏甚至被扭曲(be overlooked even distorted),从而影响最终的效果。
3. As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:
1、 Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)
2、 Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town. (For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?
①乍一看(at first glance),健身房可以让学生去锻炼肌肉(strengthen their muscles),保持体型(maintain in good shape),但是,学校完全没有必要去做这些,因为在操场上慢跑或围着学校跑步不仅仅可以让学生得到同样的锻炼,还可以给他们一个机会去亲近大自然(provide an opportunity to get closer to the nature)。另外宿舍中的健身房的设施也不会像学校里sports center的健身设施那样professional,这就意味着学生在自己宿舍也能做做俯卧撑(push-ups)或哑铃操(dumbbell exercise),所以对我来说,健身房不是个好的选择
②娱乐场所同样也不是我的选择(won’t be on my lists of priority),有人说在离宿舍很近的地方能看一场电影非常好,因为电影结束可以直接回屋睡觉,但是对于我来说,如果要看电影的话我更看重的是电影的视觉声觉效果(acoustic and visual effects),所以我宁愿(I’d rather do)去电影院,而且学校里很难放映那些大片(sensational movies),所以我还是觉得躺在床上用电脑看那些经典电影会更好(it seems better for me to lie in my bed with earphones on to catch up those classics on my computer screen)
③ However, the quiet place for study is where I yearn most for. I’m fed up with(忍不了) queuing up in early morning and waiting outside the library for the doors to open(早晨在图书馆外面排队等着开门); especially when the final exams are around the corner(近在眼前), hardly can I find a seat in the library. I’m also hoping that one day I could have a place to stay up late to get my projects done(完成作业), without going out of my way to step out, rush for an all-night café in the cold winter, and to pay for several cups of coffee and feeling worn out when returning back to the dorm. Of course, neither an exercise nor entertainment room can be a substitute for a quiet place in the dormitory building which can offer us a place to read books and study with ease(轻松,方便). Students can thus achieve more in terms of academic performance.
4. Some people think that we should keep away from others to improve our relationships, because being away from people reminds us of how important they are. Others think we should always stay with others to have good relationships because we can communicate with them more often. What do you think?
以下给出一个参考思路:be away from others
①可以避免一些矛盾冲突的发生(avoid some unnecessary quarrels and contradictions on trivias )。不管是朋友、家人还是恋人,相互久了都会暴露出彼此的缺点,(The shortcomings will be exposed to each other)每个人的容忍都是有限度的,(limited forbearance)超过一定的界限,就会爆发矛盾。举例:和家人几乎朝夕相处(we are together with our family members morning and night),和家人的争吵也最多。但是,如果离开家有一段时间就会非常想家(homesick)。
②在与朋友相处的过程中可以保持自身的独立性(self-independence),更加清醒地认识自我(get to know ourselves more clearly)。如果总是和朋友们一起,各自的爱好、习惯都会趋于同一(the hobbies and habits tend to be identical),丧失了个性(lack personalities)这样对个性发展来说并不是好事。举例:青少年很容易受到身边长期相处的朋友的影响,如果朋友中有人有不良嗜好(bad addiction),为了和朋友保持一致,肯定很快就会受到影响。
③如题目中所述,会更加意识到朋友的重要性,更加珍惜每一位挚友(treasure every friend)。当朋友不在身边的时候我们会经常想念他们,盼望着见到他们。举例:在参加××活动的时候认识一位朋友,后来很久不见只是通过e-mail的方式联系,后来好不容易有见面的机会,会花好多时间陪伴他,也更加珍惜这段友谊。
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.
①Among various factors that we take into account in a relationship, for me, honesty is the most important and necessary consideration in the relationship with my friends. (在任何关系中都会有各种各样需要考虑的因素,而诚实却是最重要的那一个。)
Demonstration: As we all know, trust is a prerequisite for any kinds of good relationships, which results from continuous and constant honesty. If we cannot trust a friend anymore, there’s no point to maintaining that friendship.
②Generally speaking, the more honest we are, the more precious friendship we can obtain. (通常来说,我们对待朋友越诚实,那么我们就能获得越珍贵的友情。)
Demonstration: Virtually, to be completely honest means complete trust and absolute loyalty, no matter what we can gain from our friends, which can largely promote the quality of our friendship. In contrast, a white lie is nothing but a temporary and modest tactic that is not considered as the best practice in the long run. (绝对的诚实能够提升友情的质量,相比较而言,所谓善意的谎言只是一种暂时的、中庸的策略,从长远的眼光来看,并不是最好的方式。)
③Admittedly, it is justifiable to reckon that to be completely honest present us a risky status to an extent, where we could get hurt possibly. (这一段是让步段,简要表明绝对的诚实的确会让我们自己可能会受伤,但依然是值得的。)
6. The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: sports, arts and volunteering.
① 投资体育设施(the investment in sports facilities)能够不仅给学生还给教职工(not only students but faculty)提供使用各种设施的便利(easy access to various activities),这对于处于压力下的(under huge pressure)的学生和老师来说是一个非常方便的放松机会。
② 体育馆的修建可以给学生更好的训练环境,如果学生能够参加相关比赛并取得不错的成绩,都是学校的荣誉,同时学校也有机会去承办一些体育活动(hold sports events),这样对于学校提升自己知名度(increase its popularity),可以吸引到更多投资或好的学生;
③ 所修建的体育设施可以对外开放,服务附近的居民,因此可以作为另一种谋利方式(can be regarded as a way to make extra profit),更可以缓解学习的经济负担(relieve the school's financial burden)。