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Since it works well to use technological(like computer)in school days, some people think that the time young students(6-12 years old) spend using technology in school should not be limited; while others claim the disadvantages and think the time should be limited (one hour or even less). Which one do you prefer?






1. 野鸟破坏wild bird, such as pigeon,它们会破坏能够保护walls的ash,也会留下酸性的droppings,毁坏墙壁;

2. 游客带来的破坏,一些游客在参观的时候会偷一些砖块chunks,而且没有足够的警卫去监督这些游客,因为雇佣hire很多警卫太贵了;

3. 建筑本身的损坏,尽管有一些修建筑的support,但是效果不足,不管用。


1. 人们可以训练一些老鹰hawks去hunt for pigeons,当这些hawks在天空盘旋的时候,那些wild birds看到后,会害怕,逃走,远离古城;

2. 实际上并不需要话大量的资金雇佣警卫,世界上有很多对历史感兴趣的人,即便不支付任何金钱,他们也愿意来到古城遗址进行志愿活动和工作,对游客进行一定的教育education和监督supervision,由于这些爱好者的enthusiasm,他们是不会允许游客偷走任何东西的;

3. 建筑本身损坏的原因是因为以前是用的修复建筑的cement里有一些有害的化学物质chemical substance,这些物质一旦被暴露出来,遇到水之后会发生反应reaction,然后导致墙体坍塌。所以现在的专家已经研制出了另外的化学物质,这样的cement可以使得墙体非常坚固稳定。



Since it works well to use technological(like computer)in school days, some people think that the time young students(6-12 years old) spend using technology in school should not be limited; while others claim the disadvantages and think the time should be limited (one hour or even less). Which one do you prefer?



以下是笔者给出参考:支持limit time.


First, such a limitation of time can improve students’ concentration on what the teacher is showing in class. Young student at this age tend to be less disciplined and are easy to be distracted by something interesting but unrelated to class in computer. Thus, control their use can effectively avoid this problem. 举反例论证。


Second, the decrease of computer usage time benefits young students’ health. Students today are suffering from huge study pressure, even those in primary school. They sit in class for a long time every day without enough relax and physical exercise. Overusing computer might even force them to sitting on the chair for too long and to excessively staring at the screen, hurting their eyes as well as development of spine. 举例论证。


让步段:的确,在学校以及课堂上使用电脑确实也是有一定好处的。 比如可以让学生搜索更多资料,比如影音图片等,从而增加学习的趣味,提升学习兴趣,或者关于老师说的知识点,寻找一些进一步的资料,加强理解。但是,实际上,有趣生动的教学素材应该是老师们在备课过程中去准备好的,且如果学生有疑问还是最好向老师请教,因为他们的年纪比较小,所以对网络少找到的信息不太具备甄别能力,无法区分信息的好坏,反而造成误解。


Granted, some might emphasize the benefits of using computer in school days even in class. Students could search for related audiovisual materials, which can improve students’ learning interest, or look for some further information about what the teachers introduced in class, strengthening their understanding. However, Interesting and vivid learning materials, in fact, should be prepared in advance by teachers. At the same time, it is better to ask teachers for detailed explanations when confused instead of searching online, as students in primary school are too young to select information. The incapability of identifying information might be misleading. 





