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 小作文: bar chart

大作文: People are living in a ‘throwaway society’, using things for a short time and then throwing them away. What are the causes of this? What problems does it lead to?



1. 本次考试比较简单。

2. 整体分析:

Task 1静态柱状图,关于三组年龄组的Australian children在四种课外活动的参与比例。

注意点:1.注意按照适当的顺序描述年龄组的数据  2.注意数据之间的比较和比较方法的多样性  3.注意词汇的词性变化,增加句型丰富性



1.  … shares the same percentage with …, which occupying ...

2.  A is ...times as much/many as B. A是B的...倍

3.  The number of ... is slightly higher/ lower than ...

4.  A is the second most popular, and it makes/takes up x% of the total.

5.  A is the leading item. Next comes....


3. Task2:社会类(环境)话题,




Body 1  分析产品使用期短,用不完就扔的原因。

Body 2  给出这种现象可能会导致的问题。



Ts: 在我看来,造成人们过度消费,浪费产品的原因主要有两个。

Ss: Firstly, 现代社会科技的进步(progress in technology)推动了生产技术(promoted production technology),机器化的普及(the popularity of mechanization)导致产品的更新速度加快,价格也比较便宜(faster product updates and cheaper prices)。同时人们收入的增加也在一定程度上满足了人们对于新产品的喜好(tend to afford the latest products and prefer to throw the old ones)。Secondly,当代是一个商业社会(business society),很多商家会通过商业广告鼓励大家消费(encourage everyone to consume through commercial advertisements),引导人们购买不必要的商品(most of them being unnecessary),增加人们的消费欲望(increase people ’s desire to consume)。



Ts: 过度消费会带来很多的实际问题。


Ss: One problem is that 过度消费环境造成非常严重的威胁(This overconsumption would pose a significant threat to the environment)。 随着人们消费越来越多(with people consuming more),产生的扔掉的垃圾也会不断增加(the rubbish generated from these products is piling up),例如产品外包装,塑料袋等(the packing of commodities, plastic bags),都不能短时间内完全处理好(we cannot fully dispose of in the short term)。Furthermore, 这种浪费性的消费(wasteful consumption)也有可能会造成人们的经济压力增加,影响生活(economic pressure to increase and affect their lives)。人们频繁购买商品(frequent purchases of goods),尤其是不必要的商品(unnecessary ones),会导致日常生活开销增加(increased daily expenses)。



1. 小作文:重点关注动态饼图和表格

2. 大作文:多关注科技,社会生活,教育类话题


3. 重点浏览13.14.15年写作机经。

