南京朗阁培训中心写作主讲 杨岱
Assignment: Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way? (Yes)
C: Some people believe that the surest and yet the most practical way to success is by following suit.
A: However, I believe that people will accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way.
B: This allows them to bring their creativity into full play when they are allowed to tap on their potentials.
E: If you look closer, you will be able to find ample examples to illustrate this claim.
Assignment: Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way? (No)
C: People often assume that they can accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own ways.
A: However, this assumption can rarely be verified by solid evidence or with concrete examples.
B: This is because innovation is often risky and invariably costly and thus not a practical solution to everyone.
E: If you take a closer look at the circumstances around you, it is easy to find out why giving people freedom to approach a mission as they wish often fails to come up with the intended result.
答:首先必须强调的一点是,对于顺利完成一篇SAT作文来说,思路的分析永远都比素材重要。比如2012年5月份SAT写作(香港地区)的题目是Do advertisements contribute to people's unhappiness and dissatisfaction? 这个题目已经非常接近托福的题目,多数考生所准备的关于乔大叔,爱迪生,甚至号称万能素材的water cube几乎都用不上。但如果学会托福写作的思维分析方式,那么这个问题就完全可以按照托福的写法来论述,从而迎刃而解了。事实上,SAT的论证手段包括推理分析和例证两大类。前者假设、对比、因果、综合分析等手段,完全不必依赖名人例子。
准备素材的过程中,必须记住两个要点。一是例子必须有一定的知名度但不要被过渡滥用,比如Bill Gates,Thomas Edison,Copernicus的例子一般就不要当作first option了,因为历代的缺乏学识的骚人墨客已经穷尽各种亮点,很难写出新意了。二是例子必须有一定的普适性能应用到各类题目中,在准备
Assignment: Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way? (No)
Another case in point to demonstrate the benefits of following suit is the design and construction of the Beijing Acquatic Center, namely, the world-renowned Water Cube. Everyone knows that this megastructure is a brilliant piece of eco-architecture that regulates itself and maintains a nice temperature in all seasons, cool in summer and warm in winter, thus saving a lot of energy. However, it is not an entirely brandnew design. In fact, the use of ETFE is a brilliant imitation from the Alienz Arena, the host site of FIFA 2006. Designers knew from the depth of their hearts that this magic building material will be a great success, as it has proven to be in the past already.
(对照上文给我的CABE开头,用水立方的例子验证:innovation is often risky and invariably costly and thus not a practical solution to everyone。水立方的外层材料ETFE首次用于2006年德国足球世界杯安联体育馆,这个例子可以普适于各类innovation,creativity,uniqueness题材的作文作为例子)。