Part 2 Top 20高频话题
1. Describe a good parent you know 好家长
2. Describe a popular person you know 受欢迎的人
3. Describe a sports person you admire 运动员
4. Describe an ideal home that you’d like to live in 理想之家
5. Describe a situation when you had to be polite 礼貌的场合
6. Describe an unusual meal you had 特别一餐
7. Describe a car journey you enjoyed 汽车旅行
8. Describe a time you helped someone 帮助他人
9. Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy 保持健康
10. Describe a time that you saved money to buy something special 攒钱购物
11. Describe a time you received good service at a shop or a company 好服务
12. Describe an interesting person from another country you know 有趣的外国人
13. Describe an exciting book you read 令人激动的书籍
14. Describe a piece of furniture at your home 家具
15. Describe a rule at school you agree or disagree 校规
16. Describe an advertisement that made you buy something 广告
17. Describe an interesting subject you enjoyed studying at school 有趣课程
18. Describe an interesting place in your country that not many people visit 人少的有趣之地
19. Describe a place that you often visit with your friends and family 和亲友常去之地
Describe a city or country where you would like to work or live in 未来居住/工作之地