1.Describe a science subject in secondary school or high school that you liked理科课程
2.Describe an exciting book you read令人兴奋的书
3.Describe a city or country where you would like to work or live in想去的国家或城市
4.Describe something you do to keep healthy保健方法
5.Describe an unusual meal you had特别一餐
6.Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree校规
7.Describe a traditional product in your country that you like传统产品
8.Describe an interesting person from another country you know or have heard of有趣外国人
9.Describe a piece of new technology you like using, except computers科技产品
10.Describe a time that you saved money to buy something special省钱购物
11.Describe an ideal home that you’d like to live in理想的家
12.Describe a special toy you had in your childhood童年玩具
13.Describe someone who is a good parent好家长
14.Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future未来假期
15.Describe a situation when you had to be polite礼貌场合
16.Describe a long car journey you went on汽车旅行
17.Describe a businessman you admire商人
18.Describe a TV program you like电视节目
19.Describe an interesting place in your country that not many people know鲜有人知的有趣地方
20.Describe a popular person you know受欢迎的人