P1Mungo man澳洲史前人
P2 动物冬眠V100520
P3 集体智慧
1. 本次考试难度中等。
2. 整体分析: P2=V100520。涉及历史类、生物类、社会类。
3. 主流题型:判断、单选依旧主流。配对延续上场,比重较大。没有heading。没有多选。有考察填空题。配对考到段落细节配对和人名观点配对。提升整体难度。
4.P1Fifty thousand years ago, a lush landscape greeted the first Australians making their way towards the south-east of the continent. Temperatures were cooler than now. Megafauna - giant prehistoric animals such as marsupial lions, goannas and the rhinoceros-sized diprotodon - were abundant. And the freshwater lakes of the Willandra district in western NSW were brimming with fish. But change was coming. By the time the people living at Lake Mungo ceremoniously buried two of their dead, 40,000 years ago, water levels had begun to drop. 澳洲史前人Mungo的研究。
5. P2。V100520 各种动物的冬眠情况,不同的动物在冬眠的时间,方式方面的不同。内容相对简单。
6. P3集体智慧的研究。
1. 判断和选择的练习和错题分析很必要。配对题在增多。特别注意提高配对题做题速度。
2. 下场考试的话题可能有关生命科学类、文化类、科技类。
3. 重点浏览10-13年机经。