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 1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement:

It is important to read or watch the news presented by people whose views are similar to your own or read or watch the news presented by whose views are different from your own..


① 开头段:With the increasingly diverse means(随着方式的日益多样化) of acquiring information, it has become a common phenomena that we are exposed to(接触到) conflicting ideas about a single event, which has aroused deep social concern(引起了社会的广泛关注). A growing body of average people(越来越多的普通人) are wondering whether it is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours. From my perspective, it is advisable to be a good listener to the different viewpoints.

② 主体段1:Firstly, receiving news presented by people with dissenting perspective can help people have access to the comprehensive information(可以获得综合信息) and get closer to the truth of the events(更接近事实真相). As is common sense, every single event or piece of news is not as simple as we expect. So it is an indisputable fact that(这是一个不争的事实)nobody can have a panoramic view of the truth(全面了解事情的真相) of the incidents due to the limited experience and knowledge span(知识跨度). In this case, gaining news from our opponents will definitely deliver a brand-new perspective(提供一个全新的视角) and make us have a second thought of our own viewpoint. In other words, the clashes of different views will temper and refine our opinion about the events(不同观点的冲突会锤炼和提炼我们对事件的看法), with the result that a whole picture is formed. 对比论证:On the contrary, just selectively listening to the similar ideas, people will become narrow-minded(心胸狭窄)。

③ 主体段2:Besides that, another potential benefit of obtaining news from those with opposite view is the higher likelihood to make acquaintance with more people(结识更多人的可能性更高). As is known to all, the way person responds to someone whose opinion differs drastically from theirs reveals their true character. To be specific, being tolerant of different voices about one thing reflects that a person is endowed with the quality of inclusiveness and humility(宽容一个事物的不同声音反映出一个人具有包容性和谦逊的品质), which can make him/her leave a good impression on others. Consequently, no one, including those from opposing party, will refuse to become friends with humble and inclusive ones.对比论证: Instead, those solely accepting same opinion are usually self-centered and arrogant (以自我为中心和傲慢自大) so that they do not consider others’ thoughts or feelings but impose their own opinions (加强自己的意见). Thus it is unlikely that they will build friendship with those with different ideas. Even worse, the already established friendship may also end, once the disagreements occur.

④ 结尾段:In a nutshell, it is sensible for people to read or watch news from people with dissenting perspective(不同立场), in order to gain the whole picture of the news and enlarge the social network.


2. Which one do you think is the most important factor for a student to succeed at college or university?

1)Tutors in the university.

2)The encouragement from family and friends.

3)High-quality education from high school.


① 3) 和1)对比,中学学到的知识是高等教育的基础basic knowledge of high-level education,只有打好坚实的基础,才能在未来取得成功get success in the future。如果等到大学再好好学,就错过了很多打基础的知识储备。例如;中学的英语语法grammar知识如果学的不好,到大学需要和别人交流的时候就会比较困难find difficulties when we need to use English to communicate with others, 而且大学也不会再重复基础知识

② 3)和2)对比,中学老师对学生的影响力比家人和朋友会更大have the bigger influence on students,因为中学阶段学生和老师在一起的时间是最多的stay with high-school teachers for most of the time。如果中学教师可以给学生很好的知识教授和做人道理的传授share excellent knowledge and experiences with students,会使学生受益终身benefit students for the whole life time。

③ 单独谈一谈1)和2)的缺点,在大学阶段,大多数学生的人生价值观和学习基础learning skills and knowledge basic已经形成,老师的影响力很有限了。家人和朋友大多和学生在一起的时候都是娱乐性的活动比较多have more entertainments,这些对于学生最终的成功影响力较小


3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports teaches people important lessons about life.


① 开头段:Nowadays, many parents tend to encourage their children to take part in some sports training or to join their friends with some ball games because sports not only bring their children stronger bodies(强健的体魄) but also teach valuable life lessons. Quite a few individuals who are passionate about sports and physical exercise also admit that they always draw their inspiration(获得启发,获得鼓舞) from playing sports. People, from my perspective, can definitely learn useful principles about life (有用的生活信念与原则)from sports.

② 坚持不懈的品质。Playing sports teaches people a precious quality, perseverance(坚持不懈,不屈不挠). 解释:我们在运动中会面对很多的很困难(face various tough situations),而在运动赛事中,最基本的规则之一就是坚持到底(one of the most basic rules is to carry on to the end)。不到终点,没人知道谁会赢家(no one knows who will win until the end),并且不论输赢,坚持到底就是战胜自己内心的恐惧(and no matter win or lose, to hold on straight to the end proves the ability to overcome the fear in heart)。同理(in the same way),在生活中遇到困难的时候,从体育活动中学会的这种坚持的精神(such spirit of perseverance learned from sports)能帮助人们坚持下去。举例说明。

③ 谦虚稳重的性格培养。Modesty is also a valuable character that can be cultivated from sports. 解释:体育活动中,失败往往不一定是由于能力不足造成的(Failure tend not to be the result of lack of ability)。而是由于骄傲自满,轻敌的心理造成的(Instead, it is sometimes the result of arrogance and underestimating enemies)。同样的,生活中,谦逊使人更容易取得成功。比如:有经验的运动员(experienced athletes)会因为他们的轻敌(treat others lightly)在大型比赛像奥林匹克(Olympic Games)这样的赛事中遭遇失败(suffer failures),遗憾地与奖牌失之交臂(brush against gold medals regretfully)

④ 团队合作。Playing sports teaches people how to work as a team。解释:大部分的体育赛事(most sports events)需要完美地配合(cooperation excellently)去赢得比赛。积极参与这些体育活动(Taking an active part in these sports),毫无疑问会懂得如何与他人合作与相处(one can undoubtedly learn how to cooperate and get alone with others)。这种合作能力在我们的工作生活中非常重要(this ability of cooperation plays an important role in work and life)。举例:在工作中,我们需要合作(cooperation)来帮助我们更有效率地完成一件工作(work is done in a more efficient way)。在学习上,互相合作帮助我们分别提升自己的成绩(improve our performance on study),并培养了良好的同学关系(establish a close bond among students)


4. we often face some creative work in our daily life. If you have never done this kind of work before, you will choose work alone or work in team?

以下给出第一个参考思路:work alone

① First, working alone enables people to save a lot more time than they would when working with others.(省时间) When people are together in an office, much time can get wasted. In this way, when they face some creative and challenging work, they can have more time to finish the work. For example, my father always complains about the unproductive meetings he has to attend at his company. He notes that people do not usually talk much about anything important. Those meeting are just big wastes of time. If he worked alone, he could eliminate all of these unnecessary meetings, thereby saving himself more time to do more productive things.

② Working alone gives people complete control over their work and enables them to enact their own ideas. Many people love to be able to express their own views at work and they can get more creative and practical ideas. For instance, many graphic designers and computer programmers seek the employment which allows them as much latitude as possible in their work. They want to control what they do and how they do it. If they had to work with others, they would not have so much freedom to choose how they do their jobs. By working alone, they can guarantee that they become more creative and their thoughts and ideas are implemented.

③ Finally, working alone can often guarantee the quality of the finished work. In fact, working with others diminishes the quality of the work too often. There is a saying that reads, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”. If too many people have input on a project, the end result will be negative because everybody has different thoughts, and, in many cases, nobody wants to take responsibility for the work done. However, if someone does everything by himself, he can be sure that his work will at least meet his own personal standards.


5. Do you agree or disagree:people should follow ambitious goals rather than realistic goals.

以下给出一个参考思路:选择ambitious goals

① For individuals, the higher the goal is, the better the result will be. 更高的目标会给人更多的刺激,往往会得到更好的结果。It is because there is always a gap between a reality and a dream. Higher goals can galvanize people to push to the limit and achieve more. Instead, aiming at realistic goals, people are more likely to produce results less than they expect. 自身在高中受到父亲鼓励的例子。For example, when I was in high school, my father usually encouraged me to set the target score for a test obviously beyond my ability, so that I would force myself to work harder every time to get closer to the mission impossible. Thanks to my father, my test score was always far ahead of others. (112 words)

② For all mankind, ambitious goals allow human beings to boldly go where no one has gone before. 能够激发一个人的创造力,达到一些前人从未做到的目标,刷新历史。Without audacious dreams, the world would not have been what it is today. It is those “unrealistic” dreams that drive human beings to break new ground and make new breakthroughs all the time.名人马云的个人事例作为论证素材。 Jack Ma, probably the most famous Chinese person, once proposed that he wanted to build an e-commerce platform for all merchants to do business, but at that time he was just considered nothing but a guy talking idiotic nonsense. If Jack Ma had not set such a goal, there would not have been Alibaba, a great company changing the lives of millions. (112 words)

③ 让步段:现实的脚踏实地的目标也有一定的好处,例如:更加容易实现,压力更加小。Admittedly, I am not denying the importance of realistic goals. Compared to ambitious ones, realistic goals are more attainable so that people are willing to make them happen. 切记:一定要削弱该观点,会使人们变得视角和局限。However, realistic goals may well make people short-sighted, reducing their possibility to think out of the box and get what is out of their reach. In this sense, people with ambitious goals are inclined to have more successful life. (67)


6. Which one is the most important factor that affects the lasting time of friendship?

- help each other in a crisis

- have similar interests or views in the topics

- trust each other completely

以下给出第一个参考思路:have similar interests or views on important topics

① 有共同兴趣爱能好有助于友谊的建立,并且产生很多共同经历(common interests help build friendship and create many shared experiences.)。人们往往会因为相似的爱好而产生关联,互相认识接触并了解彼此(It is very likely that people get related and gradually know each other through similar hobbies)。在成为朋友之后,我们的工作和生活的方方面面会因为共同兴趣而有更多的接触机会,从而更进一步的巩固友谊,不断地发展下去(common interests promote more contacts occur in many aspects of our life and work, thus developing and consolidating friendship)。比如,爱好旅行的人可以结伴出游。同样热爱体育竞技,比如篮球、足球等,的人,可以经常一起看比赛,和做运动。同样喜爱阅读的人,甚至喜欢同样的作家的人,会经常在一起去交流沟通,讨论作品。事业与学习上有共同兴趣的人,往往能够互相合作促进,抒发自己的想法。所有的这一切都是对友谊点滴的积累,使之更长久(All of this is an accumulation of little bits of friendship, making it last longer)。

② 对待事情和话题的一致观点能使朋友间相处更加和谐稳定(A consensus of views on issues and topics can make friends more harmonious and stable.)。观念与态度相似的人往往不会产生矛盾冲突(It is known that conflicts rarely appear among people who have same views and attitudes, not to mention they have been friends)。并且,即便偶尔产生矛盾,相同的观念也有助于朋友间互相理解,更好的解决问题(Even there are occasional conflicts, similar views help friends understand each other and solve the problem.)。举例说明

③ 让步:诚然,在危机中帮助彼此,雪中送炭(providing timely help),也能够加固友情,但是重大危机只是小概率事件(but great crises are merely rare events),任何的感情都是从日常生活的点点滴滴积累而成(Any feelings are accumulated from the daily life.)。有些朋友一生都没有共同经历风浪,但依然能做一辈子的朋友,因为他们在一起很有趣。此外,完全信任不是友谊长久的先决条件,因为没有人会从认识之初就完全信任对方(Complete trust is not a prerequisite for lasting friendship, for trust have not come into being from the very moment they know each other.)。事实上信任是友谊在时间的长期积淀后,逐渐形成的。何况,如果朋友间没有观念的相同,很容易对对方产生质疑,怎么可能会有很好的信任呢。
