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 1. faithfully = accurately 如实地;准确地

2. admiration for = high opinion of 对…评价高

3. fragile = delicate 脆弱的

4. perceive = see 觉察

5. skepticism = doubt 怀疑

6. scrutiny = examination 仔细检查

7. dispersal = distribution 分散

8. concept = idea 概念

9. diminish = reduce 减少

10. rudimentary = primitive 原始的

11. controversial = debated 有争议的

12. hence = thus 因此

13. be expelled from = be left by 被踢除

14. prompt = stimulate 促进

15. explicit = clearly expressed 清楚表达的

16. imply = suggest 暗示

17. eminent = distinguished 杰出的

18. conceivable = imaginable 能想象到的

19. dismiss = reject 不予考虑

20. relatively = comparatively 相对而言

21. thereby = consequently 因此

22. suitable = appropriate 合适的

23. generally = usually 通常

24. tend to = take care of 照顾

25. verge = edge 边缘

26. innovative = new 创造性的

27. investigate = examine 调查;检查

28. integrate = combine 结合

29. intermediate = between stages 中间的,中级的

30. nevertheless = however 尽管如此

31. initiate = start 开始

32. elevated = high 高的

33. supplant = replace 取代

34. concern = worry 担忧

35. restore = return 恢复

36. broaden = expand 扩宽

37. reluctantly = unwillingly 不情愿地

38. net = final 纯粹的,净余的

39. be accustomed to = be used to 习惯于

40. vigorous = energetic 充满活力的

41. distinctive = unique 独特的

42. isolated = separated 隔开的

43. allied = related 相关的

44. vacate = empty 清空

45. consequence = result 结果

46. unessential = unnecessary 不必要的

47. enable = allow 允许

48. lucrative = profitable 有利可图的

49. simultaneously = at the same time  同时

50. manipulate = handle(熟练地)使用

51. widespread = common 普遍的

52. speculate = think about 猜测;思考

53. capacity = ability 能力

54. conventional = traditional 传统的

55. refined = improved 改进的

56. evaluate = judge 评估

57. novice = beginner 新手

58. discrepancy = difference 不一致

59. parameter = factor 参数

60. theoretically = in principle 理论上

61. roughly = approximately 大约

62. halt = stop 停止

63. constraint = restriction 限制

64. finest = thinnest 最精细的

65. dictate = determine 决定

66. eventually = finally 最终

67. arduous = difficult 困难的

68. merely = simply 仅仅

69. prolong = extend 延长

70. surplus = excess quantity 多余,过剩

71. exhibit = display 展示

72. embody = reveal 体现

73. crucially = importantly 重要地

74. fierce = intense 强烈的

75. precious = valuable 有价值的

76. stimulate = encourage 刺激

77. indispensable = essential必不可少的

78. launch = start 启动

79. methodically = systematically 有条理地;系统地

80. accelerate = speed up 加速

81. perfect = improve 完善

82. pioneering = original 开拓性的;原创的

83. distinct = separate 不同的

84. presumably = most likely 想必是

85. hence = therefore 因此

86. inviting = encouraging 招致

87. continuous = uninterrupted 持续的;未打断的

88. ideally = perfectly 完美地

89. flee = run away 逃离

90. vicinity = region (附近)地区

91. contribute to = add to 增进

92. exhaust = use up 用光

93. on balance = overall 总的来说

94. impressive = striking 显著的,吸引人的

95. discard = abandon 丢弃

96. baffle = puzzle 使人困惑

97. confirm = prove 证实

98. longevity = a long life 长寿

99. decay = rot 腐烂

100. inhospitable = hostile (环境)不适宜生长的

101. distinctive = easy to recognize 个性鲜明的

102. sufficient = adequate 充分的

103. seek = look for 寻求

104. be incorporated into = be part of 被融入

105. prelude to = introductory step to 序幕;引入

106. postulate = hypothesize 假设

107. trait = feature 特征

108. sophisticated = complicated 复杂的

109. immense = huge 巨大的

110. alternative = different 可供选择的

111. encounter = meet 遇见

112. excessive = extreme 过度的;极其的

113. parallel = develop at the same time and rate 与…平行

114. advocate = supporter 倡议者

115. sabotage = intentionally damage 故意破坏

116. repel = drive away 赶走

117. notorious for = well-known for 因...出名(通常坏事)

118. immune to = unaffected by 免疫的

119. prone to = subject to 易于遭受...   

120. duration = length 持续时间

121. remote = distant 遥远的

122. durable = long-lasting 持久的

123. pose = present 呈现

124. hasten = hurry 急忙

125. courteous = polite 有礼貌的

126. chronology = a list that pairs past events with dates 按事件发生年代排列的顺序,年表

127. counterpart = equivalent 对等物

128. compelling = convincing 有说服力的

129. persistent = lasting 持续的

130. promote = encourage 鼓励

131. contradictory = conflicting 相矛盾的

132. manifestation = expression 表现

133. exceed = be more than 超过

134. supplement = add to 补充

135. compose = make up 组成

136. remnant = remainder 剩余物

137. cite = mention 引用;提及

138. aggregate 总和 = collection 集合

139. cluster = group 组,团

140. constituent = component 成分

141. gradual = slow 逐渐的;缓慢的

142. predominate = be in the majority 占主导

143. diffuse = spread 扩散,传播

144. self-sufficient 自给自足的 = independent 独立的

145. constant = occurring periodically 连续发生的

146. exploit = use 利用

147.proportions = size 大小

148. sustain = support 维持

149. painstakingly = with great effort 努力地

150. precise = accurate 精确的
