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       1. a case in point = a good example 恰当的例子

2. abundant = plentiful 大量的

3. accompany=occur along with伴随

4. accounts for = explains 解释

5. adaptable to the iron technology = could be used with the iron technology 适应制铁技术

6. addressed = dealt with 处理

7. advent = arrival 到来

8. afforded = provided 提供(的)

9. agitated = disturbed心绪紊乱的,激动的

10. akin to = similar to = likewise 与...相似

11. altered = transformed 改变

12. altogether = fully 全部

13. amass = build up = accumulate 积累,增强

14. ambiguous=unclear不清楚的,模糊的

15. anticipate = predict 预期

16. apparently = seemingly 表面上似乎

17. appropriate=suitable 恰当的

18. approximating = estimating 估算

19. aptitude = ability 才能

20. associates = connects 联合

21. astonishment = surprise 惊奇

22. autonomous = independent 独立的

23. barring = excluding 把……除外

24. burdensome = difficult 繁重的

25. coat = cover覆盖

26. collated = assembled 整合

27. collectively = in a whole作为一个整体地

28. compensated = made up for 弥补

29. component = part = constituent 组成(部分)

30. compounded = added to 使加重

31. comprised = consisted  of 组成

32. concentrated = gathered 集中

33. considerable = significant 大量的 = drastic 急剧的

34. constrains on=limitations on 对…的限制

35. consult = ask 商量,询问

36. conventional = traditional 传统的

37. converge=come together重叠

38. converted = changed 改变

39. critical = fault-finding 批判的,吹毛求疵的

40. critically = dangerously 危急地

41. cycle = pattern of events that repeats itself 循环

42. deliberate = intentional 故意的

43. depletion = reduction消耗

44. depositing = putting 放置

45. detect = distinguish 辨别 = sense 感觉到

46. diffuse = spread = disperse 消散弥漫

47. disrupted = disordered 混乱的

48. distinct = clear = evident 明显的,清晰的

49. diverse = varied 不同的

50. document=record记录

51. elevated = high 高的

52. elusive = hard to identify 难以捉摸的

53. emergence = rise 出现

54. emitted = released 释放

55. engage = are involved in 从事,参与

56. enhanced = improved = reinforced = strengthened 加强

57. equivalent = comparable 相等的,可比的

58. exclusively = only = solely = merely 唯一地,仅仅

59. expel from = left from 从...中排除

60. explicit = clearly expressed 明确的,清晰的

61. exploitation = use = harness = utilize 利用

62. expose = uncover 暴露

63. extreme = great = huge = vast = intense = strong = severe 极端的,巨大的

64. fluctuations = variations 波动的

65. foundation = basis基础

66. fulfills = achieves 完成

67. generally = usually 通常地

68. gradual = slow 逐渐的

69. hierarchical = having several levels of authority 阶级的

70. idle = unused 闲置的

71. implications = consequences (可能的)结果

72. imply = suggest 暗示

73. impractical = unrealistic 不切实际的

74. impressive = remarkable 显赫的

75. in response to = as a result of 对…的回应

76. in retrospect = looking back 回顾

77. incredibly = amazingly 难以置信地

78. indefinitely = without limit = unlimitedly 无限地

79. indispensable = essential = inevitable = necessary 必要的,不可或缺的

80. ingenuity = inventiveness 独创性

81. initiate = start = trigger 开始

82. innovation = change 创新

83. install = put in place安装

84. intact = whole 完整的

85. intermediate = between stages 中级的

86. isolated = separated 隔离的

87. justify = provide  a rational basis for 证明

88. laboriously = arduously 费力的

89. lasted = endured 持续

90. maintained = claimed 声称,认为

91. maintenance of = supporting 维护

92. marvelous = wonderful 了不起的

93. modest = moderate 少量的

94. more robust = stronger 强壮的

95. motives = reasons 动机

96. mounted = grew 上升

97. mutual = shared 互相的

98. nevertheless = however 尽管如此

99. obligated = required 义务的

100. obscure = little known 晦涩难懂的

101. obsolete = out of date 废弃的

102. occasionally = sometimes 偶尔 = seldom = rarely 很少

103. oversee = supervise 监督

104. persuasively = convincingly 令人信服地

105. pierced = broke through刺穿

106. pioneered = introduced 引进,先驱

107. plausible = likely 有可能(正确)的

108. pointless = of no use 无意义的

109. potential = possible 可能的

110. preponderance = majority 多数

111. prevailing = current 通用的

112. profoundly=deeply 深入地

113. promoted = encouraged = stimulated 促进

114. proportions = growth 大小

115. proximity = closeness接近

116. refuge = protected 保护

117. regardless of = no matter 不管,不论

118. resolve = settle 解决

119. retain = keep = maintain = continue = sustain 保持

120. retarding = slowing 迟滞,延迟

121. routinely = regularly 常规地

122. rudimentary = elementary 基础的 = primitive初步的,未发展的

123. scarcity = insufficiency 不足

124. sculpt = shape 雕刻

125. sequences = series 一系列

126. several simultaneous developments = developments that occurred at the same time 同时发展

127. sophisticated = highly/fully developed = mature 发达的

128. sparse = thinly distributed稀疏的

129. stagnation = lack the growth 停滞

130. straightforward = simple 简单的

131. subsequent = later = succeeding = following 随后的

132. suitable = appropriate 恰当的

133. surge = sudden/dramatical increase= soar 激增

134. surplus = extra 过剩的

135. sustain = support 支持

136. swift = fast 快速的

137. tangible = physical有形的

138. tending = taking  care of 照料

139. the aftermath of a founder event = the situation that results from a founder event 后果

140. the course of change = the way the change developed 变化过程

141. thereby=consequently = hence = therefore 因此

142. to capacity = used to its full agricultural potential 发挥能力

143. unfavorable = disadvantageous = adverse = negative 不利的

144. unprecedented = previously unequaled 空前的,前所未有的

145. upon reflection = after consideration 考虑之后

146. vicinity = neighborhood 临近,周边地区

147. vigorous = strong 有力的

148. virtually = nearly 几乎

149. virtue=desirable quality美德

150. widespread among = found throughout the bodies of 遍布

