1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: one can learn about another person from the books and movie that person likes.
①开头段:Spending a significant amount of time with someone is necessary to get to know their personalities and temperaments. Sometimes, people can also tell a person’s quality and determine his or her personality by analyzing their behaviors. When it comes to the question of whether one can learn about another person from the books or movies that the person likes, I personally am in favor of this statement based on the following reasons.
②主体段1:First off, by judging from the books or movies or even TV programs that someone like we can tell a person’s interests and hobbies, consequently we can learn more about them. For example, my roommate back in college was really into auto magazines, TV shows and even movies featuring fancy sports cars. At first, I did not know him so well to know his hobbies and interests, however, I was sure at that time that he must have been a big fan of cars. Indeed, my judgment was right and he was a car freak, he likes all kinds of vehicles like sedan, SUV, recreational vehicles, etc. It is not an exaggeration to claim that he can tell not only the brand but also the version of a specific vehicle by just checking out the picture of the cockpit of the car. Ultimately, we can tell a person’s hobbies by the movies and books they like.
③主体段2:Additionally, the genre of the books that someone reads says a lot about the person’s character and temperament. Actually, it is natural for someone to shape their characters just because the characters in the novels or movies have a dramatic impact on the person’s behavior and attitude, regardless of the types of the characters like fairy, alien or someone with superpower. For instance, girls who read a lot of romantic novels like Gone With the Wind might be very emotional and very committed to someone they love. For someone who read science fiction novels or watch movies featuring future events and exploration of outer space tend to be very creative and willing to take risks, to be more specific, they might be someone who friends can depend on when they got stuck in some sort of exploration. For someone who likes to read classics of all times like the works by Jane Austen or Ernest Hemingway, they tend to cherish the simplicities and trivialities in lives.
④让步段:Admittedly, one’s favorite books and movies cannot be the omni bearing indicator of a person. Some information, such as family background and real personality and not gather from the books and movies he fancies. But, one’s favorites give some information about his education level and professions A person with a low education level will never read a book requires too much intelligence. Unsurprisingly, a large number of people tend to choose the kind of books related to his job to read. So is the movie.
⑤结尾段:In a nutshell, by judging from the genre of the book that someone reads, not only can we tell a lot about the person’s interests and hobbies but also the person's character and temperament.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Sometimes people think that nowadays the media (TV, newspapers, and the Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problems than it brings benefits to the public.
①开头段:The media dominate the way people get informed. However, not all people believe what they see, read or hear from the media. As a matter of fact, many people question the credibility of media coverage, and the skepticism, which is justifiable, particularly prevails today. In fairness, inaccurate information is however not necessarily as deleterious as is thought.
②主体段1:First, not to demonize the media, journalists may not tamper with information but omit the step of fact check before they publish a story. Since news is time-sensitive, particularly in this age when people can hardly long maintain their interest in a matter, the media must rush before their headlines are late, and they can hardly be meticulous in a hurry. Although those mistakes are honest, they are still attributed to a lack of concern about the truth. By contrast, in the past decades, when audience would wait patiently, reporters were able to write with precision of details and they did.
③主体段2:Although it is unfair to deny the integrity of all the media, it is fair to maintain some doubt, as there must be media crews that are insincere. Admittedly, a newspaper or a TV station, as a business, needs to make sales to survive; however, nowadays, some media are too profit-driven to emphasize the truthfulness of their coverage. The worst case is that some journalists, seeing their job as a lucrative career rather than an honest profession, fabricate stories that sell and are only glad to see that circulation or viewership increases and that the business rakes in money. This situation was less likely among past generations of journalists, who understood what true journalism is. The media used to have the integrity and would never bend their work ethics—informing people of but only the truth — even though they would lose financial gains.
④让步段:In terms of the effects, inaccurate information is indeed misleading, and if it is mis information, it betrays the public. However, under some circumstances, accuracy is counterproductive, and the media purposefully alter information, under the administration’s instructions, to stabilize a society. For example, the media may selectively report details of natural disasters in order to curtail the spread of negative emotions, which do not help.
⑤结尾段:In conclusion, nowadays, the media, including TV, newspapers, and the Internet, care less about the accuracy of news than in the past. They either make honest mistakes or lie. However, it is unfair to see only the downside.
3. Which one is the most important factor that affects the lasting time of friendship?
- help each other in a crisis
- have similar interests or views on important topics
- trust each other completely
以下给出一个参考思路:选择have similar interests or views on important topics
②主体段1:有共同兴趣爱能好有助于友谊的建立,并且产生很多共同经历(common interests help build friendship and create many shared experiences.)。人们往往会因为相似的爱好而产生关联,互相认识接触并了解彼此(It is very likely that people get related and gradually know each other through similar hobbies)。在成为朋友之后,我们的工作和生活的方方面面会因为共同兴趣而有更多的接触机会,从而更进一步的巩固友谊,不断地发展下去(common interests promote more contacts occur in many aspects of our life and work, thus developing and consolidating friendship)。比如,爱好旅行的人可以结伴出游。同样热爱体育竞技,比如篮球、足球等,的人,可以经常一起看比赛,和做运动。同样喜爱阅读的人,甚至喜欢同样的作家的人,会经常在一起去交流沟通,讨论作品。事业与学习上有共同兴趣的人,往往能够互相合作促进,抒发自己的想法。所有的这一切都是对友谊点滴的积累,使之更长久(All of this is an accumulation of little bits of friendship, making it last longer)。
③主体段2:对待事情和话题的一致观点能使朋友间相处更加和谐稳定(A consensus of views on issues and topics can make friends more harmonious and stable.)。观念与态度相似的人往往不会产生矛盾冲突(It is known that conflicts rarely appear among people who have same views and attitudes, not to mention they have been friends)。并且,即便偶尔产生矛盾,相同的观念也有助于朋友间互相理解,更好的解决问题(Even there are occasional conflicts, similar views help friends understand each other and solve the problem.)。举例说明。
④让步段:诚然,在危机中帮助彼此,雪中送炭(providing timely help),也能够加固友情,但是重大危机只是小概率事件(but great crises are merely rare events),任何的感情都是从日常生活的点点滴滴积累而成(Any feelings are accumulated from the daily life.)。有些朋友一生都没有共同经历风浪,但依然能做一辈子的朋友,因为他们在一起很有趣。此外,完全信任不是友谊长久的先决条件,因为没有人会从认识之初就完全信任对方(Complete trust is not a prerequisite for lasting friendship, for trust have not come into being from the very moment they know each other.)。事实上信任是友谊在时间的长期积淀后,逐渐形成的。何况,如果朋友间没有观念的相同,很容易对对方产生质疑,怎么可能会有很好的信任呢。
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition among friends can have negative effects on friendships.
① 开头段
② 主体段1:Firstly, there is nothing wrong with healthy competition between friends. 朋友间的良性竞争并不是件坏事。一般来说, 积极的竞争(positive competition)对人们很多有好处:激励你更努力地工作,积极奋斗(motivating you to work harder and strive for more)。正如孔子所言:“三人行,必有我师焉。”(Friends are more beneficial who are better than you, one way or another)
③ 主体段2:Furthermore, friends strengthen their bonds through competition. 竞争可以加固友谊。诚然,朋友间会彼此竞争,但也会彼此帮助击败其他竞争对手(friends also help each other to beat other competitors),这样会使友谊更加坚固。可举身边朋友的例子或者是运动员之间互相帮助的例子:跳水运动员等
④ 让步段:Trying to be better than your friends at everything might not be so healthy, though.比如:夹杂着愤怒和嫉妒的竞争会使友谊受到重创(a friendship could be severely damaged by competition, invariably mixed with rage and/or jealousy),而有时这些情绪又难以消化(too overwhelming to be swallowed)。若想保住友谊,保持良性竞争就非常重要and避免恶性竞争(unhealthy completion)。The right thing to do, then, is to keep competition positive, if possible at all.
⑤ 结尾段
5.Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends: joining a sports team, volunteering, or traveling?
Use specific examples to support your answer.
以下给出一个参考思路:选择选择joining a sports team
① 开头段:It is commonly believed that making friends is an essential part of people's normal social life. This is especially true for students, whose personalities have not been fully developed, and friends will surely help mold their character and share their growing pains as well as happiness. So which way, among joining a sports team, volunteering in community activities and traveling, is the best for students to make friends? My choice is joining a sports team. My reasons and examples are given below.
② 主体段1:In the first place, joining a sports team is definitely a great opportunity for students to meet their peers. Even though students spend most of their time at school, surrounded by their peers, actually, in most cases, a student can only know a few classmates well. Joining a sports team, however, enables students to see many other students outside their classroom. Take me for an example, on the badminton team of my school, I met my partner whom I had barely talked to before. We often played together and enjoyed ourselves so much that we finally became good friends.
③ 主体段2:Further, on a sports team, students collaborate with each other, which can bring them a sense of unity, and close friendship naturally develops. For example, boys on a basketball team will spend a lot of time practicing together. After many tough games, the boys on the team will be able to understand each other only by action. They share the same goal and same interests; they laugh and cry together. Their friendship is so strong that can last for the whole lifetime.
④ 让步段:Admittedly, volunteering in community activities and traveling are quite good ways of making new friends as well. However, I believe that playing sports on a team is an even better way. When volunteering or traveling, students meet with new people, too. Nevertheless, the people who they meet with are usually from a completely different background from them, so the chances are that it is hard for them to find common interests, let alone make friends with them.
⑤ 结尾段:Based on all these arguments, joining a sports team is arguably the best way for students to make friends. I hope that more and more students go out of their houses and a good time playing sports with their friends.
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past, people were more friendly than they are today.
① 开头段
② 主体段1:社会经济不断发展,人们的生活节奏很快很忙碌,疏于与人有好地沟通交流。With the constantly rapid development of social economy, life rhythm, especially in urban area, is fast, depriving the interpersonal communication among individuals. 许多人因此在日常生活中抱怨生活的冷漠。Cold is the feeling that many people are experiencing and complaining about in daily life.
③ 主体段2:电子设备的不断发展,手机电脑等设备占据着人们的大量时间,即便是闲暇时间。游戏和娱乐应用软件是年轻人沉迷,腐蚀着年轻人的生活,使得他们对现实周围非常的漠不关心,更不要说对他人友好。Using electronic devices, such as smart phones and computers, takes over considerable amount of time, even leisure time. Games and entertainment applications addict young people, corroding their life and making them indifferent to real surroundings, let along to show friendliness to others.
④ 主体段3:过去几十年,由于特殊政策(single-child policy),使得几代人中国人(several generations in China)都是独生子女。他们的生长环境(growth environment and conditions)使他们以自我为中心(self-centered),只关注自己的想法和利益,使得老一辈人感受到了年轻人的自私和冷漠。
⑤ 结尾段