1. It is as important for older people to study and learn new things as it for young people.
① 健康好处。Firstly, keep learning is beneficial to the old’s health conditions. The process of learning new things can stimulate the learners’ brain and procrastinate the aging, which is instrumental to the old’s health. 学习新事物有助于刺激老年人的大脑,延缓衰老,促进老年人健康。(举例论证,如老年人参与老年大学,不断学习新事物,精神状态和健康状态都很好)
② 老年人与年轻人的交流改善。Secondly, keeping abreast of the latest things could help narrow the gap between the old and the young(及时了解最新情况有助于缩小老年人和年轻人之间的差距).Complaints are always heard from the old that their children are not willing to communicate with them in light of lack of mutual topics, some even have problems about the communication methods of the young(老年人经常抱怨他们的孩子不愿意和他们交流,因为缺乏共同的话题,有些人甚至对年轻人的交流方式有问题). In fact, it is those old people that should follow the trend - learning what the young are utilizing and knowing about the latest news (事实上,正是这些老年人应该跟上潮流,了解年轻人在利用什么,了解最新的新闻). 举例论证
③ 生活中的便利。Last but not least, learning new things could bring the old convenience and enhancement in their life quality. Science and technologies are infiltrating into all aspects of our life, such as housework, transportation, payment etc., which is an unstoppable trend and the old must adapt themselves into this milieu (科学技术正在渗透到我们生活的方方面面,如家务、交通、支付等,这是一个不可阻挡的趋势,老年人必须适应这个环境). 举例论证
2. Children can benefit from an important way of taking care of pet animals. Do you agree or disagree?
① 宠物在家里会给予孩子安全感。(They are always loving and their mere presence at home can help provide a sense of security in children.)举例论证:由于父母工作,不能常常陪伴孩子,宠物可以缓解孩子的焦虑。(Having an ever-present pet can help ease separation anxiety in children when parents aren’t around.)
② 宠物会帮助孩子与别人建立良好的关系。(Kids who are emotionally attached to their pet are better able to build relationships with other people.)举例论证:孩子会愿意和他们的朋友分享玩具,对别人会更有爱心,性格会更加开朗。(Children will be willing to share toys with their friends, and be more loving. They also have the cheerful personality.)
③ 宠物会让孩子爱上运动。(Children are in favor of doing exercise.)举例论证:如果家里养了一只宠物狗,孩子会愿意带它们到户外活动,这对孩子和宠物的健康都非常有好处。(Studies have shown that dog owners are far more likely to meet their daily exercise requirements—and exercising every day is great for the animal as well. It will deepen the connection between children, eradicate most behavior problems in dogs, and keep pet fit and healthy.)
3. 一个教授被学生评为最受欢迎教授,另一个教授刚获得研究领域奖项。他们同教一门课,你会选择哪一个教授?
① 选择这个教授的课程,可以更高效地获取最前沿的专业知识(acquire the latest knowledge more directly and efficiently)。解释:因为能够获得研究领域的奖项,说明这位教授精通这一领域,有着非常专业的知识 (the professor is adept at this field and equipped with a wider range of knowledge and expertise )。因此,上他的课程我们能在最短的时间内接触到最新的技术和专业知识 (we have greater exposure to the-of-the-art technology and professional knowledge when participating in the class)。举例论证
② 选择这个教授的课程,会对我们未来的求学或者职业生涯有直接的帮助(lay a solid foundation in the post-graduation or future careers)。解释:因为这位教授能够获得研究领域的奖项,说明他在这个领域具有一定的知名度,也会受到同行的认可(gain in popularity and sympathy from his peers in this field ),他的建议和想法非常地有权威性(some suggestions and ideas that are advanced by him tend to be authoritative)。因此,在上课的过程中,我们可以和教授建立起紧密的联系(we can build and cement a closer relationship with him through the process of studying together),从而可以在我们升学前或是步入职场前,给我们写一些推荐信(so that getting a recommendation letter from him before entering into the job market or applying for a higher degree),这将能够提升我们在求学和求职时的成功率。举例论证
③ 让步:不得不承认,选择受欢迎老师的课程,会让我们拥有一个轻松愉快的学习氛围。但是,课堂氛围太过轻松会降低学习效率;此外,受欢迎的老师可能只是性格上比较好,但专业度并不一定是最好的,如果想学习更专业的知识,最好的选择还是去听专业领域获过讲的老师的课。。
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.
① Firstly, there is nothing wrong with healthy competition between friends.朋友间的良性竞争并不是件坏事。一般来说,积极的竞争(positive competition)对人们很多有好处:激励你更努力地工作,积极奋斗(motivating you to work harder and strive for more)。正如孔子所言:“三人行,必有我师焉。”(Friends are more beneficial who are better than you, one way or another);
② Furthermore, friends strengthen their bonds through competition. 竞争可以加固友谊。诚然,朋友间会彼此竞争,但也会彼此帮助击败其他竞争对手(friends also help each other to beat other competitors),这样会使友谊更加坚固。可举身边朋友的例子或者是运动员之间互相帮助的例子:跳水运动员等
③ 让步段:Trying to be better than your friends at everything might not be so healthy, though.比如:夹杂着愤怒和嫉妒的竞争会使友谊受到重创(a friendship could be severely damaged by competition, invariably mixed with rage and/or jealousy),而有时这些情绪又难以消化(too overwhelming to be swallowed)。若想保住友谊,保持良性竞争就非常重要and避免恶性竞争(unhealthy completion)。The right thing to do, then, is to keep competition positive, if possible at all.
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has a large effect on your overall happiness than social life does.
disagree,认为social life影响更大
① Social life involves more kinds and forms of activities and more aspects of personal life。 解释:工作只是个人生活的一个组成元素,往往最主要目的是为了生存。而social life会涉及到生活的方方面面(every aspect of life),并且有形式多样的活动(various activities,banquets, parties, clubs, trips, games等等)。
② Social life中我们可以更放松。解释:工作中需要follow so many strict rules and regulations, 而social life可以自由表达自己的个性(personality),更容易让我们开心。
③ Social life可以让我们得到真正的情感(real relationships),比如友情、爱情。解释:工作中我们面对的只是同事和客户(colleagues and clients),who mainly have interest relation with each other。而在social life中,各类活动能够帮助对别人有更深入的接触和了解,找到志同道合的朋友(friends in the same camp/ like-minded friends),甚至是灵魂的伴侣(soul mate)。
6. At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make this decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.
支持students take part in making decisions about the issues
① 学生的亲身经历会使得决策更合理。(involving students in the process will perfect the decision.)因为学生是校园日常生活的直接受益者(this policy will benefit them directly.)。举例:学生发现食堂窗口排队过长,于是提出增加食堂窗口来改变这个问题,从而也方便了自己的生活。
② 学生来决策可以提高他们校园生活的满意度。(making decision by themselves can raise their satisfaction associated with school life.)因为他们提出来的方法一定是他们最满意的(satisfied)。举例:由于学生提出增加食堂窗口的这个方法后,大家投票选择(vote)。这样的决定就符合大多数人的期待,所以大家就对这个决策很满意。
③ 让步:虽然专家很专业,是经过培训的(professional and trained),懂得一些数据分析的方法去做出科学的决定(how to analyze data to make scientific decisions)。但雇佣这些专家也是需要资金成本的,增加学校开支(expenditure)。何况,学生和教职工们的需求是不断变化的,一次次雇佣专家进行分析决策成本更高。何况专家并不是大学里的重要组成部分,而大学生才是大学的主体,尊重他们的想法和建议,鼓励他们表达自己的想法是对他么的未来有好处的。