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 1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement:

Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together..


In the 21st century, there has been dramatic improvement(巨大的进步) in diverse(不同的) aspects of people’s lives. However, people are becoming increasingly busy(越来越忙) and sometimes are overwhelmed by endless work or study(被无休止的工作和学习所淹没). As a result, less time is devoted into(被花费在……) families and people no longer have meals regularly with family members. In my opinion, this is totally mistaken and it is significant for people to eat with family members regularly despite of the change of time. My reasons are as follows.


To begin with, having regular meals with children can promote family relationship(促进家庭关系). Due to people’s busy daily schedules, parents and children tend to have less conversation nowadays. Children spend most of their time learning in school and playing with peers; adults are occupied with(忙于做某事) their work and socializing with(与某人社交) colleagues. Therefore, parents are inclined to ignore problems occurring in the family, and then there will be a barrier between parents and children. 对比论证:In contrast, if having regular meals with children, parents can discover the problems that their children struggle with. They can provide guidance or inspire children to find out solution by giving them some nice tips. In this way, children can feel the care and love from parents and parents can know about children’s thoughts. It brings mutual benefits.


In addition, for couples, having regular meals can strengthen partners’ relationship.(促进伴侣的感情) Common sense(常识) tells us that as time goes by, passion between lovers decreases. The lack of communication can also result in marriage problems or even serious crises.对比论证: However, by spending some quality time with our beloved companion(伴侣) at meal table we can listen and understand each other better. Ensuring at least one meal with our partners a day shows one’s care and how much we value the other person in spite of the busy schedule. Willing to make time for someone is a great way to demonstrate love.


All in all, considering the essential role that regular eating with families plays on children, companion, I insist that it is still of great importance for people to eat with families regularly nowadays.


2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement:

It is important to read or watch the news presented by people whose views are similar to your own or read or watch the news presented by whose views are different from your own.



With the increasingly diverse means(随着方式的日益多样化) of acquiring information, it has become a common phenomena that we are exposed to(接触到) conflicting ideas about a single event, which has aroused deep social concern(引起了社会的广泛关注). A growing body of average people(越来越多的普通人) are wondering whether it is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours. From my perspective, it is advisable to be a good listener to the different viewpoints.


Firstly, receiving news presented by people with dissenting perspective can help people have access to the comprehensive information(可以获得综合信息) and get closer to the truth of the events(更接近事实真相). As is common sense, every single event or piece of news is not as simple as we expect. So it is an indisputable fact that(这是一个不争的事实)nobody can have a panoramic view of the truth(全面了解事情的真相) of the incidents due to the limited experience and knowledge span(知识跨度). In this case, gaining news from our opponents will definitely deliver a brand-new perspective(提供一个全新的视角) and make us have a second thought of our own viewpoint. In other words, the clashes of different views will temper and refine our opinion about the events(不同观点的冲突会锤炼和提炼我们对事件的看法), with the result that a whole picture is formed. 对比论证:On the contrary, just selectively listening to the similar ideas, people will become narrow-minded(心胸狭窄).


Besides that, another potential benefit of obtaining news from those with opposite view is the higher likelihood to make acquaintance with more people(结识更多人的可能性更高). As is known to all, the way person responds to someone whose opinion differs drastically from theirs reveals their true character. To be specific, being tolerant of different voices about one thing reflects that a person is endowed with the quality of inclusiveness and humility(宽容一个事物的不同声音反映出一个人具有包容性和谦逊的品质), which can make him/her leave a good impression on others. Consequently, no one, including those from opposing party, will refuse to become friends with humble and inclusive ones.对比论证: Instead, those solely accepting same opinion are usually self-centered and arrogant (以自我为中心和傲慢自大) so that they do not consider others’ thoughts or feelings but impose their own opinions (加强自己的意见). Thus it is unlikely that they will build friendship with those with different ideas. Even worse, the already established friendship may also end, once the disagreements occur.


In a nutshell, it is sensible for people to read or watch news from people with dissenting perspective(不同立场), in order to gain the whole picture of the news and enlarge the social network.


3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; the help from the government is unnecessary.  


认为政府的帮助还是很有必要的,对题目中的抽象名词important problems拆分,具体化为环境问题、教育问题、医疗问题、养老问题、交通问题等,然后分别展开,由于篇幅有限,笔者就给出前面两个问题的写作思路。

首先,以环境问题为例。众所周知,环境目前日益严重恶化,个人和家庭是无法解决这一问题的。(In the first instance, consider the environmental issues. As is common sense, the deteriorating natural environment is so severe and complicated that the solution of such a problem is far beyond the reach of any individuals or families. )中国的空气污染就足以说明问题,就算人们能够出门的时候戴口罩或者乘坐公共交通,还是无法解决日益严重的污染问题。(The serious air pollution in China is a good case in point. Despite the fact that people can take some actions such as wearing masks or taking the public transportation to relieve the haze occurring frequently in the major cities of China in some degree, the problem cannot be radically solved. )所以需要政府出台相应的奖惩措施来治理环境污染这一重大问题。 (In this case, it is the government that can get rid of the fundamental cause by shutting down these plants and enacting laws or regulations to restrict their production, which can’t be achieved by any individuals.)

其次,教育问题。在中国很多偏远地区的适龄儿童因为贫困和教育资源不足而无法入学。(In the second instance, the same logic goes to the educational problems. As is known to all, many school-age children in rural and remote areas are not able to receive education in school due to the lack of educational resources.)在这种情况下,个人和家庭的力量是薄弱的,唯有政府才能解决这一问题,实现教育资源的优化配置。(When confronted with the issue mentioned above, what individuals or families can do is quite limited. Undoubtedly, only the government has the adequate financial resources and power to allocate educational resources to those places.)+举例:可以举一些中国希望工程等政府基金项目来佐证观点。

最后,总结段。虽然个人和家庭的力量在解决一些重要问题的时候不容忽视,而且也越来越大,而在解决一些重大问题是,政府的角色还是无法取代的。(Although the ability of individual or families is becoming stronger and greater than before, the help from government is of great necessity in the course of solving significant problems, especially those in the areas of education and environment)


4. Some people think that some lessons for young children (age 4-8) which include video games can serve as effective and interesting ways of learning, while others think that these lessons are quite distracting and can be seen as a waste of time. What is your opinion and why?


认为这些包括video game(电玩或电子游戏)的课程是不好的。


话题引入:Our age witnesses that the video game has undergone a tremendous change from a sign of wealth to a life necessity. Reportedly, most young children aged from four to eight spend a quite long time learning lessons which include video games. 他人观点:This phenomenon triggers a heated debate. Some people think that video games serve as effective and interesting ways of learning, while others think that these lessons are quite distracting. 明确立场:Form my perspective, these lessons can be seen as a waste of time. 过渡:I will elaborate my viewpoint in the following paragraphs.(89 words)


主题句:Firstly, it is impossible for young children to fully concentrate on the lessons which include video games. 解释句:This is because these lessons usually demands a relatively quite place and preoccupation from young children. Conversely, if young children learn lessons through video games, his or her attention is being torn apart(被分散) and the efficiency of learning must be affected. 举例论证:A good case in point is that when I was young, if I want to learn something, I have to devote all of my attention on it and can not afford any sight disturbance(视觉干扰). However, once I play video game, I only notice the animation(动画) in it and totally forget what I have to learn.(114 words)


主题句:Besides, these lessons which include video games are likely to do harm to young children’s health. 解释句:In an important growth stage of young children, playing video games for a long time is unfavorable to(对...不利)their development of organs and physical systems. Worse, it may pose an adverse effect on normal development, especially eyesight. 因果论证:More and more young people become shortsighted at a relatively young age which is a deeply regretful fact. This phenomenon ascribes to the extensive use of eyes by watching video games.(86 words)


Admittedly, these lessons including video game can be very attractive to young children and can stimulate(刺激,激发) their interest in learning. However, we can not afford to lose young children’s physical development which is the priority compared to learning knowledge.(40 words)


To put in the nutshell(总之), young children are supposed to be preoccupied with their lessons without being disturbed by other distractions such as video games which can be a good way to release anxiety.


5. We often face some creative work in our daily life. If you have never done this kind of work before, you will choose work alone or work in team?


choose: work alone



First, working alone enables people to save a lot more time than they would when working with others.(省时间) When people are together in an office, much time can get wasted. In this way, when they face some creative and challenging work, they can have more time to finish the work. For example, my father always complains about the unproductive meetings he has to attend at his company. He notes that people do not usually talk much about anything important. Those meeting are just big wastes of time. If he worked alone, he could eliminate all of these unnecessary meetings, thereby saving himself more time to do more productive things.


Working alone gives people complete control over their work and enables them to enact their own ideas. Many people love to be able to express their own views at work and they can get more creative and practical ideas. For instance, many graphic designers and computer programmers seek the employment which allows them as much latitude as possible in their work. They want to control what they do and how they do it. If they had to work with others, they would not have so much freedom to choose how they do their jobs. By working alone, they can guarantee that they become more creative and their thoughts and ideas are implemented.


Finally, working alone can often guarantee the quality of the finished work. In fact, working with others diminishes the quality of the work too often. There is a saying that reads, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”. If too many people have input on a project, the end result will be negative because everybody has different thoughts, and, in many cases, nobody wants to take responsibility for the work done. However, if someone does everything by himself, he can be sure that his work will at least meet his own personal standards.


6. Some people prefer to do exercise alone, while others would like group sports. Which do you prefer?以下是笔者给出参考:

立场:group sports更好

开头段:With the health consciousness improving of people, physical exercise has become an important part in the life of modern people as exercise keeps the body in good shape and puts the mind in sound state. Quite a few individuals advocate participating in group sports, while others give priority to individual activities. The former, from my perspective, can definitely benefit people more.


在团队中锻炼能够提高锻炼的效果Doing fitness in a group can improve exercise effect。因为锻炼往往是(tend to be)很耗费体力和枯燥的(energy-consuming and insipid),且需要长期坚持的(long-term persistence),所以人们锻炼过程中很容易懈怠(slack)甚至半途而废(give up halfway)。而在团队群体中锻炼,会有队友相互督促鼓励,且会增加更多乐趣,这毫无疑问会促进个人更加认真地锻炼并坚持下去,从而提高的锻炼效果(Yet, in a group, one can get more push and encouragement, which will add joy and of course, facilitate the individual to be more concentrated on and persist in fitness, leading to a more efficient exercise.)。举例说明。


团队锻炼在提高体魄的同时也能够扩大人际网络,甚至交到志同道合的朋友Besides, exercising in a team can enlarge social network, and even make like-minded friends。正如前文所述 (as mentioned previously),在一个团队或小组之中锻炼,成员们必然会相互合作相互帮助 (cooperate and assist),在这过程中成员之间相互之间的信任和友谊会很容易得到发展(during which, mutual trust and friendship among the members in a group will be easily developed)。这使人们在忙碌的城市生活中结交到有着共同健身目标和兴趣的朋友(friends with common exercise goals and interests)。举例说明。


让步段。(本题有比较对象,所以让步思考角度为承认对立立场也确实存在一定的合理性或好处,但是与你的立场相比,不重要或你的立场也拥有该好处,或对方立场所谓的好处是有弊端的)。诚然,独自锻炼也有好处,比如时间上更自由,不需要考虑组员的时间安排(Admittedly, exercising alone is more convenient since the schedules of other members do not need to be considered, and thus one can go fitness at anytime.) 但是一个group里人不少,总会有人是有时间一起锻炼的,且正如前文所说的,如果一个人因为枯燥而放弃了放弃或懈怠,那么不管多自由,都是达不到锻炼效果的。而且,和其他成员可以共同计划安排出固定的锻炼时间表一起遵守,这也是很方便的,而且规律的锻炼(a regular exercise)更有效。


7. Which is the most important thing for a country leader to assure the prosperity of the country?

-Creating more jobs for unemployed workers;

-Increasing agriculture and lower food price;

-Increasing access to affordable house.


Creating more jobs for unemployed workers

Creating job opportunities can help maintain social stability. 失业的人找到工作后能保证稳定的收入来源,这样就能避免某些为了生存做抢劫,偷窃等事情的犯罪发生 (prevent the unemployed, especially those struggling for survival, from committing crimes, like robbery, pilferage),Commonsense tells us that失业率高的国家,犯罪率往往也比较高,国家经济也比较落后 (economically disadvantaged)。因此提高就业能够一定程度上ensure the smooth development of economy。

More jobs opportunities can also be opportunities to improve people’s living standards. 曾经没有工作、只能靠政府福利 (welfare) 救济的人可以通过自己的劳动挣钱,这意味着他们可以有机会选择住更好的房子,给孩子更好的教育,买更好的日用品 (daily necessities of better quality),另外他们也会有更多的消费需求 (demands for consumption),从而也就可以带动各行各业的发展。例子可以举服务行业的发展。

The relief of unemployment could encourage the development of every industry. 这意味着农业、工业、房地产业 (real estate)等等行业都可以得到机会发展。拿农业来说 (take agriculture for example),现在运输行业的发展给很多人带来了新的工作,一个城市过剩的粮食可以及时运输到另一个城市,北方的人也能在冬天吃到南方的水果,粮食的价格也因为这样的发展而得以下降。房地产相关的工作机会的增多也会 (lead to)增加房子的数量,让人们更容易买到房。因此提高就业是国家发展的根本 (the key factor)。


8.  A/D It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.

题型:绝对词题 观点:让步 论证角度:具象拆分

I regard this assertion as unfair and arbitrary, because there are at least 2 other kinds of movie that are also worth watching: comedy and scary movie. And my reasons and examples are given below.


Comedies are worth watching, for they give us a real good way to relax ourselves. It is because the only goal that the comedies try to achieve is to make people laugh and laughing is in fact proven by science to be one of best medicines to alleviate pressure(缓解压力), pain or depression. I still can remember when I was preparing for the college entrance examination--a make-or-break(孤注一掷的) exam that even determines one’s future--the most enjoyable thing was to watch a Jim Carrey movie after a whole day’s hard work. Through those hilarious plots(搞笑的情节) and exaggerating acting(夸张的表演) of Jim Carrey, my intense minds suddenly got relaxed.


Another kind of movies, scary movie, is also worth watching because it allows people to experience the excitement of horror under a safe circumstance(安全的环境下). In most cases, people are pursuing happiness(追求幸福) while avoiding risks, but human being’s nature of curiosity(人性的好奇) sometimes makes us want to experience those fearful feelings(可怕的感觉) that we hate to have in real life. Though this kind of mind may be paradoxical(矛盾的), but it does exist sometimes. For example, almost every scary-movie lover enjoys the moment when they breathed a sigh of relief(松了一口气) at the end of the movie. Vicariously(感同身受地) sharing the experience of others can be a kind of happiness.


Admittedly, people really benefit a lot from movies that can teach us something about real life. For instance, some movies teach us how to deal with relationship between family members, some teach us how to realize one’s Chinese dreams by defeating difficulties one after another, and some great movies show us what is true love. Nevertheless, no matter how useful and meaningful these movie can be, it is still inappropriate(不妥的) to assert that they are the only ones worth watching.


9. What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems?

-Fund research on new energy sources such as solar and wind power;

-Protect forests and natural wildlife species;

-Pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution.


选择Fund research on new energy sources such as solar and wind power:

Firstly, compared with protecting forests and natural wildlife species, the application of new energy sources has a direct effect on environmental protection.很明显,保护野生动植物只能延缓动植物因栖息地恶化而带来的灭绝(the extinction due to their deteriorating living habitats),但是这不能解决(fail to address)根本问题,即污染物的排放(the root of the problem, i.e., the release of pollutants);相反太阳能、风能等新能源的应用可以直接的减少化石能源(fossil fuels)的使用,间接减少对环境有害的物质的排放,此处可以具体列举细节;

Furthermore, new energy sources will work more effectively in the long run than mere implementation of relative laws in terms of the reduction of contamination. 严厉的法律法规(strict laws and regulations)可能在短时间内能够限制工厂的污染排放、或减少人民对汽车的使用(the volume of car use),从而减少污染。但是如果没有更好的替代能源(alternative energy),这样的限制势必会影响到经济的正常发展以及人们的生活。相反,新能源的应用可以在影响生产和人们生活的前提下减少污染,长远看一定更有意义。

A more striking viewpoint for me to support the use of new energy is that it also exerts deeper influence on the social development in the near future. It is admitted that the research of traditional energy is almost reach its limit, which means that employees in related industries may face unpromising career prospect. 新能源的发展可以带来更多的就业机会(bring a large number of job opportunities to our society),比如电动汽车(electric cars)的发展就会带动电池行业的改革;风力发电站(wind power stations)的建立则会增加建筑及材料行业的需求。这些都是选择另外两个选择所不能带来的好处。


10. The government wants to improve the education of high school, and there are two plans:

-Choose a group of good teachers and train them first, and after that let them go back to their schools and train other teachers;

-Provide training for every teacher online, with providing online materials and let them study individually.

Which one do you think can help achieve the goal?

线上培训可以让老师按照自己的时间表调整学习计划(enables the whole faculty to adjust their learning plans according to their schedules),既不影响教学又可以实现自我提升(will not exert adverse effects on their routine work and can help achieve personal improvement at the same time),但是如果把老师聚集在一起(get together),老师们就不得不有一段时间是中止教学(suspend normal teaching)的,学生可能会因为一段时间没有老师管而松懈(slack off in study),反而会影响到教学质量,很明显这不是政府所期待的;

线上培训可以提供一种更好的交流氛围(create a better atmosphere for communication),因为每个老师都在学习(every teacher is involved in the training process),所以所有人都可以参与讨论,而不是仅有的几个被挑选出来的好老师自己研究,这意味着如果有问题可以找更多人求助;另外在交流过程中,培训计划中原有的不恰当或不准确(inappropriate or inaccurate)的部分也可以被修正(be revised),这对于教学方法的改进、教学质量的提高都是非常有帮助的(of vital importance);

线上培训能更大程度地保证所学知识的正确性(ensure the accuracy of the information to be imparted),因为是统一的教材(study materials)统一的学习计划(training schedule),所以每个老师所学的内容都是标准化(standardized and uniform)的,然而先培训一部分人再让这部分人去教其他老师,这些先被培训(first-trained)的老师自己的学习效果(training outcome)会影响到后续的教学质量(the subsequent outcomes),可能会有一些信息就在传递的过程中被遗漏甚至被扭曲(be overlooked even distorted),从而影响最终的效果。


11. It is more important to watch or read news presented by people whose views are different from your own or read news presented by people whose opinions are similar to your own?

选择read or watch news different from your own:

Firstly, reading news different from our own can help us cultivate critical thinking. 读不同观点的新闻可以帮助我们反思自己对事物的观点是否合理,让我们在生活中也能seeing the world more objectively。此处可以具体列举细节;

Furthermore, reading news of different opinions could contribute to expanding our horizons.读不同角度的新闻可以帮助我们更好的开阔眼界,因为不同人的解读内容、解读思路可能会完全不同,所谈及的background information也不会完全一致,所以能够让人学到跟多;

A more striking viewpoint for me to support the opinion of different side is that we won’t be misled by the public voice. 读不同角度的新闻不会一味的被舆论导向所误导,这样才能知道事件的真相,也能避免误解偏见带来的影响。这些都是选择另外一个角度所不能带来的好处。

本题也可以在两个主体段之后写一个让步段,说读similar views可以让我们增加自信,感到being motivated,然后再对其进行反驳,如果不能从客观、正确、全面的角度入手的话,那么这样的自信也就变成了blind and meaningless。


12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has a large effect on your overall happiness than social life does.


选择:Disagree. Social life has a large effect on the overall happiness than jobs do.

Social life 可选择的特别多(a variety of social activities),包括travelling, parties, clubs, ball,这些活动更容易让人好好享受生活(enjoy the best life has to offer)。而每个人一般只做一份工作,生活被限制在(be confined to)工作中,很单调(dry and dull)。

通过social life, 我们可以strengthen the bonds and make new friends。这些活动给我们提供很多的机会,可以遇到跟我们志同道合人(people with similar interests),也可以给我们提供和老朋友叙旧的好机会(catch up),因此我们的生活会变得更加开心。而工作中我们每天遇到的都是一样的同事(workmates),只会聊工作上的事情,而且需要迎合(cater to)上司(supervisor)和客户,很tedious。

工作中需要follow so many strict rules and regulations, 而social life可以自由表达自己的个性(personality),更容易让我们开心。以会计为例,在日常工作中(daily work),不管是做财务报表(financial statements)或者是做税表(file tax return),都需要严格遵循tax law and financial regulations,因此每天都在重复工作(rework), 毫无乐趣可言。


13. Many schools require young children (aged 5-11) to work together in a small group instead of working alone to learn many activities. Do you agree or disagree that it is the best way to teach children.

Primary education has gained increasing public attention in recent years, for people are more aware of the critical role primary education is playing in the formation of a person’s characters and the future achievement a person can get in their adult life. So some people suggest that requiring primary students, usually aged between 5 to 11, to work together rather than alone be the best way to teach students. I totally agree with this.


Firstly, study together can be more inspired for these young students. 因为在这个过程中,学生们会are encouraged to share their own opinion toward one question, meaning that they can get more different ideas and start to learn from different perspectives. I still remember a class when I was in Grade 3. Assigned in 8 groups, we are asked to make different meaningful objects using three triangles, two circles, a rectangle and a trapezoid. And the team who can come up with the most objects will win an award. All together finally, our team worked out 14 different objects like a house, a robot, a spacecraft and so on, but the winner team in our class came up with 21 answers. Reflecting from this experience, now I think students can be encouraged to be more creative by working together. And no doubt that it is creativity that differentiates people a lot.


Furthermore, group work can instill a sense of collaboration in these young children. When students are assigned in a team, they will gradually realize that every member in this team including themselves are shouldering different responsibilities. And only when they make concerted efforts with no one dropping the ball (掉链子)can they get a positive outcome. For example, a success poster can only be done perfectly with the relative information fully collected, the poster beautifully designed together, then tasks in the making process, like drawing and writing, properly distributed. Everyone in this team may know the importance of working together and feel a sense of belonging and achievement when the poster is done and when they present this poster to the whole class.


Finally,(可以做一个让步)尽管有人会认为,存在更好的方法来教育孩子,比如通过独立完成作业来提高孩子独立思考的能力,或者由老师带领着孩子一起能更有针对性地让学生掌握本次课该学会的知识。However, tons of studies have shown that the very goal of primary school lies more in the formation of some good qualities other than mere academic knowledge. And these qualities include creativity and the sense of cooperation. Therefore, it is definitely no exaggeration to say that infusing these young students with teamwork should be the best way to educate young students.



14. In their free time, young people (age14-18) spend time taking part in different activities such as music lessons or competitive sports. Some young people diverse their time in other kinds of activities. But other young people will spend most of their time focusing on just one activity that is important for them. Which approach do you think is better?


The old saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” still remains relevant as it did centuries ago. The question of what kind of extra curriculum activities kids should do after school has never failed to attract spotlight. Should they focus on one single activity or is it better for them to devote their time to various activities? Personally, I think it is in the kids’ best interest to get involved in multiple kinds of activities based on the following reasons. (84words)


First off, more extra curriculum activities mean that they enjoy a better chance to try different things and find their real interest. One’s meat might be others’ poison(萝卜白菜各有所爱), indeed nobody really knows what their preference lies in unless they are given the opportunities to do different activities. Actually switching from one activity to another gives the kids the opportunity to explore their real interest and tap their unknown potential(激发潜能). A kid who lacks flexibility and coordination when doing sport might be talented in playing chess while one who cannot concentrate on the classroom might be very gifted in playing sports. Trying out different activities can help kids to find something they are really interested in and eventually they can develop and build up confidence. (127words)


Additionally,students can develop lots of useful skills and release their pressure in life and study if they do different activities. For example, playing group sports can help them to get comfortable teaming up with others and develop cooperation awareness. This kind of experience and awareness can help them get prepared for future jobs since willingness to cooperate and coordinate is regarded as a very valuable quality and working together with others is necessary for the future working environment. Plus, learning music and how to play piano can help someone to develop a taste in music (提升音乐的鉴赏力). Music can serve as(当作……) a source of comfort and love, at the same time it is conducive(有助于) to release negative emotions like sorrow, depression and even anger.(124words)


In conclusion, it is more advisable(明智的) for kids to do various activities since it helps kids to explore their interest and tap their potential; more importantly it can help kids to develop useful skills and get them prepared for future jobs. For these reasons, I agree with the statement that it is imperative for young people to participate in various sorts of activities. (63words)


15. Some high school teachers spend most of class time on lecturing (speaking) their students (typically between the age of 14-18). Other teachers spend most time letting students participate in class discussions or projects sharing their ideas with each other. Which do you think is more effective for students learning?

让学生参与到讨论过程可以培养学生的创新意识(cultivate their innovative awareness)。因为可以在讨论当中学生可以凭借自己的经验(rely on their own experience)和知识提出一些以前从来没有想过的解决问题的方法(come up with some creative ideas that they never thought before)。可用举例论证

可以让学生们获得成就感。(fulfill their sense of achievement)。因为不同的人有不同的想法(distinctive ideas)和专长(expertise),如果能将每个人的闪光点汇合起来 (aggregate),那么学生就可以很好地独立完成任务,从而获得满足感(a sense of satisfaction)。可用举例论证。

更有动力去学习(be motivated to acquire knowledge/give them motivation to absorb knowledge)。因为鼓励学生参与(involve in/engage in)到讨论和分享之中,能够激发学生对学习的热情(stimulate their enthusiasm),他们可以互相帮助(mutual help),激发他们的潜能(tap into their potential)这样也会让学生感到学习轻松,也可以缓解他们学习的压力 (soothe their mind from tension),从而让他们渴望(be eager to do)获得知识。可用对比论证。

