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米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)伪造(forged) 了 laocoon这个塑像。


Many movie makers make movies based on books. Some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book. Which do you prefer?





1. 他伪造过不止一个,这很可能是another forged statue;

2. 他有一幅画和雕塑很像,被认为是作为雕像的准备稿;

3. 为了钱(financial motivation)。


1. .年幼无知时(career刚开始的时候)伪造为了出名(获得大家的肯定),出名之后不必伪造(后来大家都认为他有能力,没必要再伪造了);

2. 画有两处和雕塑不同,是巧合。①drawing是hold left arm,statue是hold right arm (具体哪个hold right/left arm忘了反正就是这个地方不同)②—个是 strengthen torso另一个是twist torso ,除此之外,还是有不少地方不一样的;

3. 伪造毁名声,太冒险了,没必要。买他画的人都是像国王、皇后之类的。一旦他们出售假的statue,被发现后会让米开朗基罗 lost all his customers and destroy his career。




1)读书需要太长时间  2)电影技术进步,也可以很好的欣赏故事  3)电影可以带来惊喜


1)更好的理解电影的内容 2)观众可以更批判性的看电影

开头段:Since the invention of movies about one century ago, general publics have shown extraordinary passion and enthusiasm on this way of entertainment. (广大公众对这种娱乐方式表现出了极大的热情和热情) It is very common to find a cinema crowded with audiences coming to watch the newly launched movie starring their idols(由他们偶像出演的新上映的电影) or telling a story written by a famous author. In my mind, if possible, it is more meaningful for people to read the book on which the movie is produced before going to the theater.(人们在去剧院之前看一下以那部电影为基础制作的书更有意义。)

让步段:Admittedly, for modern citizens, time is a commonly mentioned excuse: they are too busy to spare enough time to read. (对于现在的人们来说,时间是一个常见的借口:他们太忙了,没有足够的时间读书。) As study and work has occupied most of their time, they feel even not enough time to have a rest. Also, thanks to the improvement of movie making techniques and directors’ skills, audiences usually regard watching movies as a better way to enjoy a story.(此外,由于电影制作技巧和导演技巧的提高,观众通常认为看电影是一种更好的欣赏故事的方式) However, for great works of famous authors, it is definitely worthy for people to read books before watching movies.(然而,对于著名作家的名篇佳作,仍然值得在看电影前阅读书籍)

分论点1: To begin with, the reading of the original story enables us to have better understanding of the movie and to assess the movie more objectively.(首先,阅读原著可以使我们更好地理解电影,更客观地评价这部电影。) 解释句:By reading books beforehand, audiences have more information on backgrounds of events and personalities of characters. This allows people to judge whether the director and actors are successful in telling the story. Even, some authors’ works are by nature very challenging for directors to film. With huge efforts, the movie is still obscure and abstruse(晦涩难懂). 对比论证:Without reading the book, it is unfair for audiences disappointed by the movie to criticize the author. Take Here the Wind Sing written by Haruki Murakami(村上春树的《风之歌》) as an example. If audiences haven’t read the book before, they can hardly understand those behaviors of Japanese young adults and be bored by insipid trivial matters(枯燥无味的琐事) in the movie.

分论点2:Secondly, the reading of the book in advance allows audiences to be more critical while watching the movie. (先读书可以让观众可以批判地看电影)解释句:It is unavoidable that people may have divergent interpretation(有不同的理解) of the book. Bearing in mind the story(记住这个故事), we are able to examine whether the movie will strike a chord in our heart(扣人心弦) or enlighten us with different revelation(给我们不同的启示). Especially for die-hard fans(铁杆粉丝), to watch a movie based on a book of their beloved author(心爱的作者) is just like to have a discussion with the director and actors on the contents or even details. 举例论证:Take the movie Into the White Night(白夜行) based on the book of Higashino Keigo (东野圭吾) as an example. The author is very successful in depicting criminals’ mental activities and creating conflicts, while the movie emphasizes much on cruel criminal activities to catch eyeballs. Only by reading the original story can we understand why protagonists(主角) were gradually set into a series of crimes.


结尾段:To sum up, although watching movies without reading original books saves people much time, it is actually much more enjoyable to read in advance.



