1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past. Use specific examples to support your answer.
① 主体段1:首先,现在食物的多样性更加丰富。现在由于高科技和种植、养殖技术的快速发展,人们摄取食物的多样性更加广泛,因此可以保证人们摄入全面的营养物质,这样有利于更加有利于保持身体健康。比如:现在大棚种植技术,可以保证人们一年四季都能吃到新鲜营养的健康蔬菜,可以在严寒的季节吃到夏天生长的水果,保证营养丰富。(Firstly, the food of today are manifold, which can ensure people have a more balanced diet than ever before. People who take in diversity of fruits and vegetables are more sanguine and healthier with the rapid development of planting and breeding technology. Take greenhouse technology for example. Greenhouse can offer people full kind of nutritious vegetables no matter what season it is, for instance, people can eat watermelons in severe-cold weather. With nutritious food available, it is easier to keep health today. )
② 主体段2:其次,现在健身房和科学运动的普及,使得人们更加健康。在以前,人们没有健身的概念,不知道通过健身运动来保持身体健康。但是,现在随着健身房遍布大街小巷,人们可以去健身房锻炼身体保持健康,甚至可以通过视频在家里学习健身课程,比如:瑜伽,可以增加身体的柔韧性和协调性等。(Secondly, as a result of the popularization of gymnasium and scientific sports, more and more people choose to go to fitness rooms to maintain health and to shape a wonderful figure. People even do not need to go out to keep health on the grounds that they can learn from a fitting video which can be played home, such as yoga, an ancient exercise which is known for increasing flexibility and coordination of limbs and trunk. None of there were heard in the past years. )
③主体段3:最后,随着营养学的发展、维生素知识的普及,人们可以科学地对待一日三餐,不再像以前那么盲目了。比如:人们走到书店就可以买到关于营养搭配和膳食的书籍,可以通过书籍有指导地进行饮食。(Finally, people can be more sensible and smarter to make choices about what to eat every meal with the knowledge of Vitamins and Nutrition Science. For example, when entering a bookstore, people can easily find books about the right nutrition arrangement and reasonable diet. )
2. A high school gives the eleventh grade students two different tasks to be finished during their two-month summer holiday. One is to have university-level courses for their future majors. Another is to travel to museums of arts and historical places with the guidance of teacher and to write an essay after their travels. Which one do you prefer?
① 主体段1:参观这些历史建筑,可以让学生积累文化的底蕴。学习不光是学习课本上的知识的过程,更应该是增加文化底蕴、文化涵养的过程。通过这一做法,可以让学生找到学习的原因和动力,从而更加有利于以后的学习。(Travelling to museums of arts and historical places can increase the cultural deposits of high school students who are going to attend university. Learning is a process during which students can not only learn formal knowledge from books but also accumulate and improve their cultural enrichment. By doing so, students can find out the reasons why they have to study, which is conductive to their future study. )
② 主体段2:走访历史古迹和博物馆可以培养学生的各方面的兴趣,而不是成为一个无趣的人。参观博物馆可以学习到很多课本上学习不到的知识,在这个过程中,学生各个方面的兴趣得以培养,从而成长为全面且博学的人。最后通过写文章的方式记录下来,不仅锻炼了自己的文字表达能力,这是做学术的基本,更为以后自己的人生留下了一份珍贵的回忆。
(The various interests of students can be cultivated by visiting to different museums and historical places, so students can grow up into interesting and knowledgeable adults instead of boring men. During their visits, they can learn knowledge that could never be heard from books. After their trips, they use essays to recount these precious memory and the ability to write essay is essential to every student who aims to achieve success in academic field.)
③主体段3:让步段:在进入大学分专业系统学习之前,对各个学科进行一个基本了解是非常有必要的,可以让学生更加快速的适应大学的课程设置和基本知识。但是,个人还是同意去参观博物馆、历史遗迹等景点更加得具有价值和意义。(Admittedly, it is crucial for students to have a basic knowledge of different courses in university because students can accommodate college curriculum provision quickly. In my opinion, however, I prefer the latter idea, for it is more meaning and more valuable to each student.)
3. Some people think that we should keep away from others to improve our relationships, because being away from people reminds us of how important they are. Others think we should always stay with others to have good relationships because we can communicate with them more often. What do you think?
以下给出一个参考思路:be away from others
① 主体段1:可以避免一些矛盾冲突的发生(avoid some unnecessary quarrels and contradictions on trivial )。不管是朋友、家人还是恋人,相互久了都会暴露出彼此的缺点,(The shortcomings will be exposed to each other)每个人的容忍都是有限度的,(limited forbearance)超过一定的界限,就会爆发矛盾。举例:和家人几乎朝夕相处(we are together with our family members morning and night),和家人的争吵也最多。但是,如果离开家有一段时间就会非常想家(homesick)。
② 主体段2:在与朋友相处的过程中可以保持自身的独立性(self-independence),更加清醒地认识自我(get to know ourselves more clearly)。如果总是和朋友们一起,各自的爱好、习惯都会趋于同一(the hobbies and habits tend to be identical),丧失了个性(lack personalities)这样对个性发展来说并不是好事。举例:青少年很容易受到身边长期相处的朋友的影响,如果朋友中有人有不良嗜好(bad addiction),为了和朋友保持一致,肯定很快就会受到影响。
③主体段3:如题目中所述,会更加意识到朋友的重要性,更加珍惜每一位挚友(treasure every friend)。当朋友不在身边的时候我们会经常想念他们,盼望着见到他们。举例:在参加××活动的时候认识一位朋友,后来很久不见只是通过e-mail的方式联系,后来好不容易有见面的机会,会花好多时间陪伴他,也更加珍惜这段友谊。
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; the help from the government is unnecessary.
① 主体段1:首先,以环境问题为例。众所周知,环境目前日益严重恶化,个人和家庭是无法解决这一问题的。(In the first instance, consider the environmental issues. As is common sense, the deteriorating natural environment is so severe and complicated that the solution of such a problem is far beyond the reach of any individuals or families. )中国的空气污染就足以说明问题,就算人们能够出门的时候戴口罩或者乘坐公共交通,还是无法解决日益严重的污染问题。(The serious air pollution in China is a good case in point. Despite the fact that people can take some actions such as wearing masks or taking the public transportation to relieve the haze occurring frequently in the major cities of China in some degree, the problem cannot be radically solved. )所以需要政府出台相应的奖惩措施来治理环境污染这一重大问题。 (In this case, it is the government that can get rid of the fundamental cause by shutting down these plants and enacting laws or regulations to restrict their production, which can’t be achieved by any individuals.)
② 主体段2:其次,教育问题。在中国很多偏远地区的适龄儿童因为贫困和教育资源不足而无法入学。(In the second instance, the same logic goes to the educational problems. As is known to all, many school-age children in rural and remote areas are not able to receive education in school due to the lack of educational resources.)在这种情况下,个人和家庭的力量是薄弱的,唯有政府才能解决这一问题,实现教育资源的优化配置。(When confronted with the issue mentioned above, what individuals or families can do is quite limited. Undoubtedly, only the government has the adequate financial resources and power to allocate educational resources to those places.)+举例:可以举一些中国希望工程等政府基金项目来佐证观点。
③ 总结段:虽然个人和家庭的力量在解决一些重要问题的时候不容忽视,而且也越来越大,而在解决一些重大问题是,政府的角色还是无法取代的。(Although the ability of individual or families is becoming stronger and greater than before, the help from government is of great necessity in the course of solving significant problems, especially those in the areas of education and environment.)
5. Some people think that some lessons for young children (age 4-8) which include video games can serve as effective and interesting ways of learning, while others think that these lessons are quite distracting and can be seen as a waste of time. What is your opinion and why?
以下给出一个参考思路:a waste of time
① 开头段:Our age witnesses that the video game has undergone a tremendous change from a sign of wealth to a life necessity. Reportedly, most young children aged from four to eight spend a quite long time learning lessons which include video games. This phenomenon triggers a heated debate. Some people think that video games serve as effective and interesting ways of learning, while others think that these lessons are quite distracting. Form my perspective, these lessons can be seen as a waste of time. I will elaborate my viewpoint in the following paragraphs.(89 words)
② 主体段1:Firstly, it is impossible for young children to fully concentrate on the lessons which include video games. This is because these lessons usually demands a relatively quite place and preoccupation from young children. Conversely, if young children learn lessons through video games, his or her attention is being torn apart and the efficiency of learning must be affected. A good case in point is that when I was young, if I want to learn something, I have to devote all of my attention on it and can not afford any sight disturbance. However, once I play video game, I only notice the animation in it and totally forget what I have to learn.(114 words)
③ 主体段2: Besides, these lessons which include video games are likely to do harm to young children’s health. In an important growth stage of young children, playing video games for a long time is unfavorable to their development of organs and physical systems. Worse, it may pose an adverse effect on normal development, especially eyesight. More and more young people become shortsighted at a relatively young age which is a deeply regretful fact. This ④phenomenon ascribes to the extensive use of eyes by watching video games.(86 words)
④ 主体段3:Admittedly, these lessons including video game can be very attractive to young children and can stimulate their interest in learning. However, we can not afford to lose young children’s physical development which is the priority compared to learning knowledge.(40 words)
⑤ 结尾段:To put in the nutshell, young children are supposed to be preoccupied with their lessons without being disturbed by other distractions such as video games which can be a good way to release anxiety.
6. When you are going to be a college student, would you like to participate in a introductory program, like pre-orientation before registration or meet regularly with a student who is in the same field and has been in this university for several years?
① 主体段1:深度了解学校,以便以后更好地学习。(Get a head start on your college and learn more about college itself)。一般学生对于学校的了解仅仅是停留在学校的名字上和一些网站上,(rest on the university’s name and its websites )但是在这些pre-orientation的活动中,学生们可以对学校有一个全新的认识。比如:在露营的时候,学生们就可以和学长们深入交流(deep conversations),学长会帮助你回答所有关于学校的问题:如何选课?多久去参加一次聚会?在课堂上遇到困难时,该怎么办?(older students at your school are there to help answer all the questions you have about college. How do you decide which classes to take? How often do you need to go to parties? What do you do when you’re struggling in a class?)因此,introductory program可以让学生充分了解自己的学校,为学习做准备。
② 主体段2:可以让新生们结实第一批朋友,让自己的生活变得更加地丰富多彩。(Meet your first friends and make your life more colorful)。Pre-orientation为来自不同地区、学习不同专业的学生们提供交友机会,他们在pre-orientation结交的朋友,很有可能在日后会成为他们的终身益友(Pre-orientation provides students with the opportunity to make friends with each other no matter where they come from and which major they will be aimed at and the friends they acquaint themselves with even have the potential to be lifelong friends)。+举例论证。
③主体段3:让步段:虽然和相同领域的学长定期见面有一些好处,比如他可以在我们专业领域给出极具价值的学习指导。(We can not deny that meeting regularly with a student who is in the same field and has been in this university for several years has advantages, for example he can list out all the valuable studying instructions concerned with our major courses .)但是,我们可以通过introductory program,了解到很多专业之外的事情,可以根据对其他领域的了解,从不同角度看待本专业的前景。