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讨论金字塔pyramid是由 carving nature stone制成还是由limestone制成。


Some teenagers (14-18) take part in various activities, such as musical lessons, sports and so on, but others would like spend most of their time focusing on only one activity which is more important for them. Which one do you prefer?



阅读:认为金字塔were not made out of carving nature stone but out of limestone.

1. In ancient Egypt, 很多花瓶就不是用石头雕刻成,而是用limestone concrete倒进模具中制成;

2. Researchers 在金字塔材料里have found tiny bubbles,而这种tiny bubbles在nature stone里是不存在的找不到的,而更有可能是人工用limestone制作中产生的;

3. 金字塔建筑内部的湿度很大,说明是从金字塔的建筑材料蒸发出来的水分moisture inside champers of the pyramids was released from concrete


1. 花瓶的制作方法不能代表其他东西,而且当时的Egyptians由其他方法制作自己需要的石头形状,they could cut a rock into halfs and make special shapes, then glue them together;

2. tiny bubbles确实是来自于limestone concrete, 但是这些concrete是后来用于repair pyramids later,并不是建造的时候的石头材料;

3. moisture 与limestone无关,而是left by visitors。


Some teenagers (14-18) take part in various activities, such as musical lessons, sports and so on, but others would like spend most of their time focusing on only one activity which is more important for them. Which one do you prefer?.


选择various activities可以从一下角度分析:

1. 释放学习压力,因为变化多不枯燥,

2. 更有可能找到自己真正的兴趣

3. Enlarge social circle

4. All-around development

选择only one activity可以从以下角度分析:

1. 相对于学习多个项目,这样比较轻松

2. 有助于升学,因为更加专注可以让青少年更好地掌握该技能,从而可以进行专业练习获奖等

3. 培养坚持毅力

以下是笔者立场和参考:支持various activities

开头段:The old saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” still remains relevant as it did centuries ago. The question of what kind of extra curriculum activities kids should do after school has never failed to attract spotlight. Should they focus on one single activity or is it better for them to devote their time to various activities? Personally, I think it is in the kids’ best interest to get involved in multiple kinds of activities based on the following reasons. (84words)

First off,students can develop lots of useful skills and release their pressure in life and study if they do different activities. For example, playing group sports can help them to get comfortable teaming up with others and develop cooperation awareness. This kind of experience and awareness can help them get prepared for future jobs since willingness to cooperate and coordinate is regarded as a very valuable quality and working together with others is necessary for the future working environment. Plus, learning music and how to play piano can help someone to develop a taste in music (提升音乐的鉴赏力). Music can serve as(当作……) a source of comfort and love, at the same time it is conducive(有助于) to release negative emotions like sorrow, depression and even anger.(124words)

Additionally, more extra curriculum activities mean that they enjoy a better chance to try different things and find their real interest. One’s meat might be others’ poison(萝卜白菜各有所爱), indeed nobody really knows what their preference lies in unless they are given the opportunities to do different activities. Actually switching from one activity to another gives the kids the opportunity to explore their real interest and tap their unknown potential(激发潜能). A kid who lacks flexibility and coordination when doing sport might be talented in playing chess while one who cannot concentrate on the classroom might be very gifted in playing sports. Trying out different activities can help kids to find something they are really interested in and eventually they can develop and build up confidence. (127words)

让步段:有些人认为,青少年将课余时间全部投入在某一项活动,有助于他们进行更加深入的专业的练习。Some may claim that young people devoting all their spare time to a certain activity would allow them to have more in-depth professional practice.这样做他们能表现优异甚至是获奖,成为他们履历中的亮点甚至直接助力未来升学发展。If so, they may perform well or even win awards or prizes, which can become the highlights of their resumes and even directly facilitate their higher education and future development. 但是,实际上现在这些中学阶段的学生,在校学业压力已经非常巨大了。However, in fact, the study pressure of these high school students is already extremely heavy. 参与课外活动更多的是放松身心的同时适当补充一些业余技能,而不该进一步以竞赛获奖为目标去增加额外压力。Rather than adding extra pressure with the goal of winning prizes in competitions, participating in extracurricular activities is more about relaxing their body and mind as well as appropriately replenishing some amateur skills. 何况,能够最终获奖的实在是极少数的人,所以没有必要逼迫学生去花大量时间钻研一个项目。Besides, it's a very small number of people who are able to win awards, so there's no need to force students to spend a lot of time working on a single activity.


1. At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make this decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.

2. 一个教授被学生评为最受欢迎教授,另一个教授刚获得研究领域奖项。他们同教一门课,你会选择哪一个教授?

3. Some people believe going on field trips is better for child’s education, while others think it is better for children to study in the classroom at school. Which one do you prefer, and explain why.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.

5. Some high school teachers spend most of class time on lecturing (speaking) their students (typically between the age of 14-18). Other teachers spend most time letting students participate in class discussions or projects sharing their ideas with each other. Which do you think is more effective for students learning? .

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. We should take risks and explore new things when we are younger or when we are older.


Task 1: 事件类(旧题重复2015/6/14考试)

Some students prefer to take courses during the summer break; other students prefer to use this time to travel or work. Which one do you thinks is better?

Task 2:

阅读:【校园通告】- 活动类

学校准备弄fitness classes in dormitories

1. 帮助保持健康 ; 2. 结交新朋友

听力:【学生态度】: Agree

(1) 本来很忙, 难得有时间做运动但是现在就可以了

(2) 可以认识很多学校里的新同学和朋友

Task 3:

【名词解释】- 生物/环境科学

Term: Population Bottleneck



Task 4:

【授课主题】- 商业类


[分论点1]: in response to new technology

[举例1]: 牛奶一开始用玻璃瓶装,贵且易碎,后来塑料发明之后就用塑料装

[分论点2]: compete with other company

[举例2]: 牛奶一开始是大容器装,后来其他的饮料用小容器之后,人们可以带着饮料去上班或者在车上喝,所以牛奶也开始用小容器了


独立题: 适中

这道题有一定年代感了, 但就像歌曲一样越老的题它越香. 这道题建议走travel/work会好说一些, 一些大家常用的理由比如relax, broaden horizon等都可以用得上, 但是要把论证细节补充到位了, 记住不要过于抽象一定要具体化.

综合题: 适中

学术题的素材是生物+商业的经典搭配. 其中最后一题和TPO 26的Task 6有些类似, 虽然不是完全一致但可以作为参考.


独立题: 预计下一场考试会回归人物类, 当然学习类话题也是头号重点. 恢复考试后至今, 过往旧题独立题中所占的比重很大, 所以大家一定要多回顾以前的题目, 做好准备

综合题: 学术题预计为心理+生物的组合; 另外T4也要注意历史和艺术类话题


C1 校园场景

天文学专业的学生把自己做的短袖设计图拿到学校办公室想要做出来。然后老师说,我们只负责稿子的提交,制作需要商店才行,经过一番讨论,学生不记得自己的短袖应该要什么颜色了,然后那位老师就说,你等会去看了再告诉我吧。学生的灵感是来自于marine biology 专业的学生。他们打算把行星印在短袖前面,后面自己即兴创作。教授就问为什么一个行星不在这里面,学生说科学家有了新的理论,这个行星已经不属于九大行星了。

C2 学术场景

学生做research assignment 主题是研究一个地区经济历史发展状况。学生研究的是澳大利亚,她不会做,所以来咨询教授,教授建议学生查询网络资源,学生说知道,而且自己还上了很多历史的课程,但是这种经济史的就不太会写了,教授说,这个research能让你学会批判地看待问题。学生又觉得选择小城市来做research 的学生就不会这么头疼了,教授就说,其实小城市的经济历史发展比你想象的更加复杂,那些学生也同样会遇到棘手的问题,大城市反而会比他们好一点。

C3 校园场景


C4 学术场景


C5 校园场景



讲了HPR,这个人研究摄影技术,他想摄影技术反应真实感,然后他就开始 imitate 那些比较好的画作,从而表达照片的真实感。开头还说了,摄影技术确实给画家提供便利,因为他们可以把相片带回自己工作室从而创作自己的画作。


开头先回忆一下Jupiter 的Great red spot 然后开始讲Jupiter 的Great cold spot .讲的时候先把他们两个进行对比了。他们有共同点,尺寸,还有温度(海拔相同)不同点,也就是主要讨论的,是auroras 不同导致他们不相同。地球也有auroras 但是它是由于太阳的能量颗粒产生的,而Jupiter 是来自他的moon 不是太阳。


Fast food 的兴衰史,主要讲了自助机的开始到繁荣,后来因为人口的转移,新的快餐出现,他们就不那么受欢迎了。

L4 生物学

bird feed collector

L5 地球科学

natural gas

L6 人类学



听力部分延续多卷同考形式,难度较稳定,对话部分考察较为常规的校园场景与学术场景,考察内容专业性增强; lecture中考察了比较高频艺术、天文学等话题,历史等社科类讲座也有涉及。




Passage 1 活字印刷术在古代欧洲的发展



Passage 2 The Development of Ideas about the Moon’s Surface 月球表面撞击坑的研究



Passage 3 Art and Culture of Pacific Northwest Communities 太平洋西北群落的艺术和文化



Passage 4 The Population Increase in Ming Dynasty 中国明朝人口增加的原因



Passage 5 Versia对艺术复兴(Renaissance)的看法


Passage 6 The Gender Roles of Early Horticulture and Agriculture性别在农业社会中的作用



Passage 7 Echolocation and Flight 蝙蝠的回声定位和飞行




1. mimic = reproduce 模仿,再次产生

2. initially = at first一开始,起初

3. conventional = standard 惯例的

4. vast = huge 巨大的

5. diffusion = spread 消散

6. autonomous = independent 自主的

7. obligated = required 有义务的

8. oversee = supervise 监督

9. subsequent = later 随后的

10. harsh = severe 严重的

conflict = friction 冲突




