综合写作: 大农场和当地农场。 独立写作: For a students that are about to graduate,it is better for them to finish an intensive research project on a interesting topic and then write a paper on this topic or finish an internship which let students to learn some business skills. 朗阁讲师张璐点评 综合写作: 阅读:大农场和当地农场,觉得大农场不好 原因1:浪费资源; 原因2:东西不新鲜口感不好; 原因3:不能给当地提供价值。 原因1:农业技术可以improve the taste同时provide more nutrition like vitamin;原因2:有的地方用少一点的地能种同样的东西,就能节省资源; 原因3:chain store can create more jobs for local residents thus can contribute more to the local taxes。 独立写作: For a students that are about to graduate,it is better for them to finish an intensive research project on a interesting topic and then write a paper on this topic or finish an internship which let students to learn some business skills. 题型:常规利弊分析题 选择实习,解题思路如下: Year-end reports or assessments are a vital part of a student's graduation and important proof of his or her progress.The forms of these assignments are usually determined by the professors. Compared to doing research,an experience of internship provides more benefits and have a greater influence on students' lives. Firstly, internships can better introduce the students to society and the possible jobs they may pursue in the future.Internships serve as a practice of being a professional in a certain field in the future,thus by doing them,graduating students could acquire the skills that could facilitate their official jobs when they step into the real world. For example,if you want to pursue the medical field,then doing research is not as advantageous as getting an internship. Through an internship,you have the opportunity to learn about how the hospital operates,how professionals in your field spend their day, as well as whether if you enjoy working with this role.Therefore,internships give you a chance to peep through the lens of your profession. Secondly, being a part of an internship also brings you an abundance of resources that will be helpful along the way.Even though you are an unofficial member of a corporation,there are a lot of opportunities that could aid you in finding a job relating to the field.For instance,if you do well in your time in a company, and that your boss appreciates your work,you have a chance to get a nice recommendation letter which could help tremendously if you put it on your resume.Furthermore,you can also greatly expand your social networks and connect with more people who are on similar career paths as you are. Thus,internships could provide Human Resources that could be beneficial as you transition to society. Some would still say that research would have a greater impact than doing an internship. Especially for science major students, research may seem like a better choice.However, researching with professors at school does not introduce you to a novel social circle or allow you to meet more professionals. Many science-related professions nowadays start to gear towards real-world applications and require researchers to conduct real-life experiments. Thus,starting to work in an environment as a professional early will provide you with real-life experience. Although both internships and research are among the most common year-end projects students do,professions and majors should be a determinant factor when deciding which one to pursue. Overall speaking,the benefits that internships provide outweigh that of research. 考试预测 1. At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make this decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why. 2. 一个教授被学生评为最受欢迎教授,另一个教授刚获得研究领域奖项。他们同教一门课,你会选择哪一个教授? 3. Some people believe going on field trips is better for child’s education, while others think it is better for children to study in the classroom at school. Which one do you prefer, and explain why. 4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships. 5. Some high school teachers spend most of class time on lecturing (speaking) their students (typically between the age of 14-18). Other teachers spend most time letting students participate in class discussions or projects sharing their ideas with each other. Which do you think is more effective for students learning? . Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. We should take risks and explore new things when we are younger or when we are older. Task 1 When your friend and you are going to decide where do you plan to go tonight. Some people prefer to make the decisions by themselves while other prefer to make decisions with their friends. Which way do you prefer? (类似2018.1.27和2018.6.30) Task 2 阅读:【学校通知】- 校园规定类 学校请了一个专业的指导来帮助学生们的音乐剧。因为学生们可以向这个知道学习,同时也可以吸引观众。 听力:【学生态度】: disagree (1) 这个指导本人非常忙,一周才来一次,而且学生们不用他的指导也能做的很好。 (2) 这个指导并不能吸引吸引来学生的注意,因为大部分学生都不清楚他是谁,只有戏剧相关专业的人认识他。 Task 3 【名词解释】- 心理学类 Ecological validity,生态有效性。 【教授举例】 教授举例请了很多business owners让他们来做模拟投资的游戏。一开始他们都很冒险,因为他们知道这是游戏,结果并不能反映真实情况。后来教授告诉他们收益将和现实挂钩,他们就很谨慎了。 Task 4 【授课主题】-环境类 wildfire对于动物的两个益处 好处1:可以给它们提供新的筑巢的地方 好处2:可以摧毁原来的vegetation,让新的vegetation来覆盖会更有营养更适合动物们。 朗阁讲师宗羱点评 今天的考试是2020年八月的最后一场考试,本场考试难度比较简单,重复题目很多。 独立题: 重复18年的考题,只是对情景做了一个假设。答题思路上没有任何变化,原因细节部分也是比较容易提供的。主要是注意流利度和描述朋友的时候所产生的三单问题。 综合题: task2题目比较简单,同学们可以参考TPO中的话题进行练习,以考生们注意立场的转换和逻辑关系的排布。 Task3和task4都属于高频考题类型,task4是之前考过原题。本次考试难度不大。心理学举例因为用词贴近生活所以不难。同学们需要多练习听力,尽量抓住更多细节,不要让听力成为口语的绊脚石。 考试预测 独立题: 下次考试预计S1会出现旅游,生活类话题。 综合题: 学术题这次出现了心理学类、环境类题目,仍需要考生关注经常出现的心理类和比较少出现的艺术类、地理类等题目。 C1 服务场景 学生试图寻找on-campus job,但是employment没有理会他,最后学生在department里找到了放电影的工作。 L1 植物学 植物上的gall可以用来分类。 L2 地质学 现在的海底在以前是陆地。 C2学术场景 学生去询问教授为什么自己的作业分数低,然后邀请教授给她的电台做个talk。 L3 心理学 children development,儿童会模仿成年人的行为。 C3服务场景 学生找老师换活动教室,由conference room换到auditorium。 L4 天文学 关于蜜蜂的行为,通过跳舞来传递信息,通过实验发现蜜蜂通过投票来决定新的居住地。宇宙的发展与minerals的产生宇宙的发展与minerals的产生宇宙的发展与minerals的产生宇宙的发展与minerals的产生。 L5 建筑学 古希腊两个时代的建筑相互影响又有很多区别,从建筑可以研究很多文化。 L6 建筑学 美国总统Jefferson对建筑的看法非科班出身他就用自己的图书馆自学建筑(励志啊)然后几个他设计的建筑,一个是灵感来源法国的建筑,一个灵感是罗马的temple。他的思想其实就是想摆脱英国殖民的影响,所以很讨厌英国式建筑,反而喜欢罗马这种民主起源地的建筑。他的建筑都是体现民主的symbol。 朗阁讲师王伟华点评 本次考试难度一般,有较多旧题,L6 讲的就是Thomas Jefferson作为建筑师的建筑理念,2018/7/8曾经考过,而且在老托福93篇(第八篇)也有介绍过他的建筑风格,L4讲儿童心理发展,这个话题出现的频率很高,通常会涉及到皮亚杰儿童认知发展的四个阶段,该话题年内重复的可能性也很高,考生在备考时要多进行高频话题的练习。 考试预测 接下来的考试讲座内容依然会出现生物学,天文学,建筑学,心理学等比较高频的场景。 Passage1 Zebra Stripes斑马的条纹 (重复2018.01.13) 斑马身上的条纹是如何形成的?猜想一是条纹是一种伪装的形式,保护斑马免落狮口。猜想二是条纹在斑马的求偶仪式中起到关键作用。2014有研究称,条纹能够赶走苍蝇,保护斑马远离苍蝇经常传播的疾病。此外,另一种可能的解释是斑马的栖息地有时会变得闷热难耐,条纹能助它们保持凉爽。 Passage 2 The Arrival of Humans in the Americas 人类美洲迁徙 (重复2016.03.19,2018.09.16) 第一批到达北美的人的途径,目前有两种假说:第一种是白令海峡路桥猜想,亚洲人在约1万年前的冰期到达美洲,从美洲北部甶于狩猎原因(great games)向南一路发展,这个发展过程是十分迅速的,先后有 Clovis和其他的人种以及一些Caves做支撑;第二种是对白令海峡的猜想,由一个叫Paul的人提出的,他认为在加拿大北部和阿拉斯加没有发现12k年左右的遗迹,所以不可能是从北往南的。后来,Paul有一众拥护者来进一步发展他的理论.有人说在一个岛上发现了原始居民的遗骨,同位素测定发现他们大概有11500年,主食为鱼和海洋晡乳动物。一些人说他们不可能游过去,所以可能是有了船。 Passage 3 修水坝的利弊 Passage 4 Cave Art洞穴艺术 (话题重复2017.07.8,2019.01.26) 文章提到古代洞穴的绘画中发现有人画企鹅,进而展开的系列猜想。 Passage 5 北美某种动物灭绝的原因 (话题重复2018.12.01,2019.05.26,2018.07.01) 文章提到了两种假设,一个是人类捕杀导致,一个是气候变化导致。 Passage 6 一种F的编织品 一开始是为了取暖和装饰的作用,后面有了贵族赞助制作,能够体现其身份地位。在这个的发展过程中,法国出现了动乱,导致了F这个地方发展的更好了。 Passage 7 恒温动物和变温动物 (话题重复2019.12.08,2019.05.26) 动物分类大概是不能一概而论,很多恒温动物采用变温动物的策略(strategy),比如晒太阳提高温度更省力;一些变温动物比如蛇也会通过一些代谢过程(metabolic process)取暖。 Passage 8 某古代宫殿的造型 Passage 9 第二次工业革命的影响 (话题重复2017.06.10,2019.11.03) 词汇题: 1. accessible=available可获得的 2. literally=virtually实事求是地 3. undoubtedly=certainly无疑地 朗阁讲师应晓梅点评 本场考试延续了托福阅读高频考察的生物类以及历史类话题,无论是原题重现还是话题重复相信大家都不陌生。另外多位考生反应本次考试比较简单,作为8月最后一场考试,ETS还是很有良心的,是一次高分分手的好机会。当然,这需要考生能熟悉高频话题背景以及牢牢掌握我们的词汇题机经。 考试预测 生物类话题和人文类话题依旧是托福阅读的高频考察话题,考生在复习时需要利用TPO结合真题回顾掌握话题内容。另外希望考生能够利用好我们整理的机经词汇,做到词汇题的高度掌握。2020年8月30日托福考试写作回顾