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Task 1: 学习类

The university decides to open the school library to the general public and charge fees for borrowing the book. Do you think this is a good idea?

Task 2:

阅读:【校园通告】- 后勤服务

学校准备提供job opportunity的panel

1. 给学生提供更多的工作选择; 2. 邀请近年的毕业生回来作指导

听力:【学生态度】: Agree

(1) 学生对就业问题一直有疑惑和problem, 虽然有实习但是只有一两个工作可以尝试

(2) 可以提供更多的信息而且现在求职方式非常新颖, 往届生可以给与帮助

Task 3:

【名词解释】- 商业类

Term: Network Effect--事物是否useful取决于使用者的人数, 但是当数量达到一个节点之后就会有不好的影响


教授举了mobile phone的例子, 一开始很少有人用手机因为觉得没用. 后来用的人多了就觉得手机很convenient可以随时随地用手机做social plan. 但是当使用手机的人太多了之后, 就很难接通, 这个问题一直到现在还存在.

Task 4:

【授课主题】- 生物类


[分论点1]: reduce insects

[举例1]: chimpanzee.互相梳毛清理小虫子, 避免感染病毒

[分论点2]: reduce conflict

[举例2]: chimpanzee. 抢食物会有冲突, 那么梳毛就安抚情绪就不会打起来


独立题: 较简单

这道题难度不大,两边都比较好说. 值得注意的是原文中有两个回答要点: (1) 对外开放, (2) 收钱; 所以回答的时候这两个要素都要包含进来, 不然回答不够完整.

综合题: 适中

学术题的素材是生物+商业的经典搭配. 其中最后一题是去年考过的原题. 今年托福考试无论是综合题还是独立题旧题重现的比重很大, 所以大家一定要多回顾以前的题目, 做好准备


独立题: 预计下一场考试会考人物类/事件类话题, 当然学习工作类是最热门的准备不能放松.

综合题: 学术题预计为心理+生物的组合; 另外T4也要注意历史和艺术类话题


C1 校园场景


C2 学术场景

学生跟教授讨论论文前面的引言introduction,论点thesis statement和论据evidence


C3 校园场景


C4 学术场景


C5 校园场景

L1 生物学—动物行为

鸟类的哺育行为。一种鸟类会把自己孵的蛋放单到别的鸟窝中,让别的鸟代为孵化。这种鸟叫寄生鸟,开始researchers 以为这种鸟lazy, 后面发现他们其实也是在发挥作用,承担哺育责任的。研究发现host鸟也可以从中获益。





L4 生物学

讲动物的navigation ability 依靠地球磁场



L6 物理学



听力部分较难,对话部分考察了较为经典的论文讨论场景,涉及论文写作方法和论文的选题,校园服务场景考察到了餐厅与宿舍场景; lecture中考察了比较高频的生物学、历史学,心理学等话题、之前考察较少的化学、物理学科也有涉及。





在北美考古发现ancient stone chambers


Do you agree or disagree that young people are less dependent on parents nowadays?




1. Sheep farming——提供shelter给lambs躲避坏天气等等

2. Ice room——dark&cool可以保存ice throughout a year

3. Crop storage


1、那不是一个合适的地方呃,去照顾那些小羊。因为他们对环境很敏感。那不是一个理想的地方,这个环境会阻止小羊的成长。chambers are dark and cold,lambs会fear,而且空间太小不能满足sheep成长和生活;

2、他们应该有一个结构叫做double walls,这样的话他可以作为一个insulating materials,所以即使外面很热的话,这个里面也很冷,但是在这个地方。他没有这种结构,所以外面很热的话,它不冷的保证里面很冷,所以不能够是ice chamber would这个存储冰块的地方。

3、在美国东北一个地方。有类似的可以储存食物的地方,他们有一个叫做open floor,这个可以阻止。这个地方被破坏阻止水渗入,但是在这那个chamber里头没有这种结构。所以不可能是纯属食物的,不能够为存储食物带来任何好处。


Individualistic sense is emerging as a result of modernization, which leads to the younger generation more and more tending to be independent from their parents. Certainly, in many cases, young people, when fail to make a living on their own, partially because of a trend toward a more intense competition, go back to their parents for shelter. However, this can not change the pattern that the young generation is becoming more independent than before.

There are plenty of reasons for this. One of them is that the speed with which information spreads has been increasing tremendously. A young man, at any time, could easily sit down in front of his computer and find out there is way more fun outside than being stuck at home. The information of employment seeps into any corner of their daily-based activity. Two years ago, my cousin, who had never been out of the province and who had always wanted to live within her family, accidentally got touch with a job interview in Beijing. She told me later that she had never felt so ambitious and so eager to try something new. She eventually made it to Beijing. Now she is totally enjoying her life in this cosmopolitan. “I am even more confident to go shopping because I buy things with my own money.” She claimed with a proud look in her face.

The implication behind the information disperse is the booming of job market. A healthy-running economy usually ensures people to maintain an independent life, even in a strange land far off from their hometown. My company creates a lot of jobs. Before I got this job, I was expecting to make quite an amount of money, which turned out to be true. The motivation accelerated with each pay raise. For me, I am working harder and harder. The huge satisfaction of living on my own, in turn, leads to breaking the financial tie with my parents. Actually, this happened almost the first moment when I got my first pay check.

Actually, the combination of both information spreading and job market flourishing conceals a fact that young people are more easily affected or stimulated by people around them who have successfully been financially independent. Most young people are intrinsically rest less and ambitious. They tend to compare themselves with their peers and are always ready to fight for their dignity. For example, when most of my friends have moved outside and been exploring the world for quite a while, it would be definitely a shame that I could feel if I were still fed by parents. This potential pressure gives rise to an impulsive moment for young people to go out, either actively or passively.


1.At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why?


1.Some people believe going on field trips is better for child’s education, while others think it is better for children to study in the classroom at school. Which one do you prefer, and explain why?

2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.

3.Some high school teachers spend most of class time on lecturing (speaking) their students (typically between the age of 14-18). Other teachers spend most time letting students participate in class discussions or projects sharing their ideas with each other. Which do you think is more effective for students learning?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should take risks and explore new things when we are younger or when we are older.


Passage 1 Adopting Roman Values 采纳罗马价值观



Passage 2 The Collapse of Maya玛雅的崩塌



Passage 3 Homer and Oral Poetry 荷马与口述诗歌



Passage 4 儿童认知能力发展的理论研究


原本认为7、8岁才有理解能力,其实4岁就有,举了从几个月到5岁拥有相应能力的例子。提出两个儿童认知能力发展理论:第一个认为儿童是基于对各种原理的学习从而获得(framework theory),第二个认为儿童是基于对各种现象的认知从而获得(scientific theory)。

Passage 5 火星上的水

(话题重复2020.08.26 Water and Life on Mars)

火星上有过去河道和水网留下的痕迹,证明火星上曾经可能有水。科学家通过研究两个火星漫游车“opportunity”和“spirit” 带回的证据,发现火星过去有极大可能存在大量地下水。

Passage 6 物种多样性与生态系统稳定性


Passage 7 Accounting for the High Density of Planet Mercury 解释水星的高密度



Passage 8恐龙是否是恒温动物

(话题重复2019.11.02 A Debate about Dinosaurs)

Passage 9 Impact of Railroad Transportation in the United States 美国铁路交通的影响


Passage 10 光学显微镜

Passage 11 南美洲艺术品

Passage 12 欧洲人畜牧业发展的先决条件

Passage 13 霸王龙是食肉还是食草动物


1. pragmatic = practical 实用的

2. founding = establishment 建立

3. fragments = pieces 碎片

4. massively = extensively 大量地

5. elaborately = with great details 详尽地

6. abandoned = no longer occupied 抛弃

7. entirely = completely 完全地

8. intermittently = periodically 间歇性地

9. culmination = high point 最高点

10. controversy = disagreement 争议

11. anonymous = unidentified 无名的

12. exhibit = display 展示

13. generation = production 产生

14. acceleration = speeding up 加速

15. predominantly = mostly 大多数

16. particularly = especially 尤其

17. immense = huge 巨大的

18. surge = sudden increase 激增

19.quantify = calculate 量化


1. 本场考试中,常考的人文历史话题涉及到了文学和艺术领域(“荷马与口述诗歌”&“南美洲的艺术品”),小众话题考察了认知心理学(“儿童认知能力发展的理论研究”),这些内容考生们在平时可能接触不多,背景知识相对匮乏,TPO中有类似话题文章,大家可以找出来专门练习。此外,这也考生们提了个醒:阅读复习备考时,挑选的TPO练习文章所涵盖的话题最好全面一些。



