Brendan navigator 是否去过美洲(reach North America)
Which one do you think is the most important factor for a student to succeed at college or university?
(1) Tutors in the university.
(2) The encouragement from family and friends.
(3) High-quality education from high school.
1. 原因一:有很多故事记载过该事件written stories.
2. 原因二:researchers复原了当时的船只,并且成功从爱尔兰航行到美洲,实验验证。Construct a boat which can sail to the North America.
3. 原因三: there are many 美洲的old markings(有许多美洲文字记号被发现), 因此可以证明该船曾经到过美洲.
听力:反对, 这三个原因都不成立。
1. 故事的真假无法验证stories are not sure to prove, 故事可能指别的地方,例如:sheep或者burning hills.
2. researchers造的船更加大也更加好,所以不能说明问题。The copy boat is longer and better than the initial one.
3. 这些记号可能是美洲土著留下的,other markings are pictures, probably made by native Americans.
choose: (3)high-quality education from high school
1. (3) 和(1)对比,中学学到的知识是高等教育的基础basic knowledge of high-level education,只有打好坚实的基础,才能在未来取得成功get success in the future。如果等到大学再好好学,就错过了很多打基础的知识储备。例如;中学的英语语法grammar知识如果学的不好,到大学需要和别人交流的时候就会比较困难find difficulties when we need to use English to communicate with others, 而且大学也不会再重复基础知识。
2.(3)和(2)对比,中学老师对学生的影响力比家人和朋友会更大have the bigger influence on students,因为中学阶段学生和老师在一起的时间是最多的stay with high-school teachers for most of the time。如果中学教师可以给学生很好的知识教授和做人道理的传授share excellent knowledge and experiences with students,会使学生受益终身benefit students for the whole life time。
3. 单独谈一谈(1)(2)的缺点,在大学阶段,大多数学生的人生价值观和学习基础learning skills and knowledge basic已经形成,老师的影响力很有限了。家人和朋友大多和学生在一起的时候都是娱乐性的活动比较多have more entertainments,这些对于学生最终的成功影响力较小。
1. 此次考试题目比较侧重历史类和人物类(综合写作),难度不是特别高,但是对于细节的把握稍有难度 。独立写作比较侧重教育类,生活类考察,是属于近期最常考的话题话题,不是特别难,但是三选一的题型不走题就很难了,切记要考虑进去背景知识和三方面之间分别的对比。同学们需要多多关注不同类型的题目最好充分准备才行。
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.
3. The university club wants to help others, if you are a member of them, you only could undertake one project this year, which following would you prefer to choose?
1) to help students at a nearby school with reading and mathematics;
2) to build house for people who cannot buy or rent;
3) to visit and assist the elder people with daily tasks.