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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.




1.       在夏季auklet数量急剧增加,导致种族内部对食物竞争加剧,大量数量死亡;

2.       吃了或者接触了有着virus的食物等,导致他们infection,最终死亡;

3.       水温的上升导致auklet的食物zooplankton变小并且营养减少。


1.  每年夏季auklet数量都会增加,而且在部分auklet死亡之后食物数量会重新达到平衡,但今年auklet数量下降比往年要大得多;

2.  海星感染virus之后会有可见特征,auklet并不会吃,而且死亡的auklet体内并没有查出virus infection;

3.  其他以zooplankton为食得鸟类和鱼数量都正常,所以一定是其他原因导致auklet数量大量下降。




Position: I have the preference that it is possible and necessary to be completely honest with your friends.

Reason 1: Among various factors that we take into account in a relationship, for me, honesty is the most important and necessary consideration in the relationship with my friends. (在任何关系中都会有各种各样需要考虑的因素,而诚实却是最重要的那一个。)

Demonstration:As we all know, trust is a prerequisite for any kinds of good relationships, which results from continuous and constant honesty.If we cannot trust a friend anymore, there’s no point to maintaining that friendship.


Reason 2:Generally speaking, the more honest we are, the more precious friendship we can obtain. (通常来说,我们对待朋友越诚实,那么我们就能获得越珍贵的友情。)

Demonstration:Virtually, to be completely honest means complete trust and absolute loyalty, no matter what we can gain from our friends, which can largely promote the quality of our friendship. In contrast, a white lie is nothing but a temporary and modest tactic that is not considered as the best practice in the long run. (绝对的诚实能够提升友情的质量,相比较而言,所谓善意的谎言只是一种暂时的、中庸的策略,从长远的眼光来看,并不是最好的方式。)

Concession:Admittedly, it is justifiable to reckon that to be completely honest present us a risky status to an extent, where we could get hurt possibly. (这一段是让步段,简要表明绝对的诚实的确会让我们自己可能会受伤,但依然是值得的。)



1.       Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

2.       Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.
