大作文: Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both ideas and give your own.
1. 本次考试难度较为容易。
2. 整体分析: Task 1= dynamic line; Task 2为新题
3. task1: 动态线图,讲述的是不同类别的书籍在4年(2002-2006)年间销量的变化。一图三线,这样简单的线图意味着要多写文字信息,否则只是一味描述数据很枯燥。E.g. the sales of children’s books increased, while the value of adult fiction and educational books sold declined. The gap between the figures for fiction and educational books narrowed.
4. task2:话题都是noise,与去年的一篇G类作文有相似之处。当然,适当的噪音会带来benefits。
控制噪音的原因:控制噪音,给人一个安静的环境,工作效率提高。控制噪音,安静的环境可以让人好好学习或者工作,愉悦心情。(long-lasting noise not only stops people from having a good rest but also interferes people’s efficiency at work and study. In a noisy environment, people’s anxiety level is so high that they cannot concentrate/having a bad sleep resulting from last-night noise is likely to cause fatigue the next day. )
适当噪音的好处:很多日常活动都会造成噪音,对我们生活也很重要。比如看足球比赛、庆祝活动时,适当的噪音可以更好地营造氛围(the loud music or slogans amuses all and everyone may have a thriving time at the event)。控制噪音体现了对彼此的关心和体谅,所以控制噪音可以有助于建立较好的邻里关系。
1. 小作文:动态数据的分析和表达很重要。表格和流程概率较大。
预警题型: map
2. 大作文:关注多关注教育、科技如何改变其生活,社会政府的决策如何引导人群。
3. 重点浏览10-13年写作机经。