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An exciting sport

Something interesting you leant from the internet

A short trip you would like to make again

A situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth

A happy family event from your childhood that you remember well

A time when you got lost

A place you went to that was full of color

A person you know who is good at cooking

A movie you would like to watch again

An ambition you have not achieved yet

A childhood song you remember well

A time that you were friendly to someone you don’t like

A subject you didn’t like before but have interest now

A piece of good news you heard from TV or the internet

A pleasant surprise you had

An unusual building you’ve visited

An interesting website you have visited

A special toy you had in your childhood

A family member you would like to work with

A friend who you think is a good leader



A book

An important job

A traffic jam

Something you want to learn which you can’t learn now

A time that you had to wait for others

A famous person who you would like to meet

A person who is beautiful or handsome

A good habit you learnt from your friend

Something you do to keep health

An advice

An interesting conversation

A prize you’d like to win

An athlete

An old man you respect

A time you invited others for a dinner

A radio program

A historical place


1. 一月份第一场口语考试变化颇大,奇葩题频出。

2. Part1中出现watching the sky(新题)sleep, trees, reading(老题回归)

3. Part 2 中体现更为明显;A place you went to that was full of color, A situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth, A time that you were friendly to someone you don’t like等全新考题让人难以招架。



