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 综合写作:该不该商业化捕捉狮子鱼(commercial fishing of lionfish)


Should college students, regardless of their majors, be required to take a course about culture of another country?





1. 可以保护珊瑚暗礁,lionfish没有天敌会对生态造成影响。

2. 增加人们对lionfish的需求,从而减少local fish的需求,从而平衡fish market。

3. lionfish营养丰富,可以提高diet benefits。


1. 会不小心捕捉到其他种类的fish,从而危害rare species 。

2. 不利于发展,为了卖lionfish,就要建立fish farm,但是lionfish有可能会逃走,逃到附近海域。

3. lionfish以一种微生物为食,这种微生物是有毒的,需要先测试才能再供人类食用。



首先,大部分大学生都是成年人,他们有权利自主选择。(most university students are already 18 years old. They are already adults who should not only take on responsibilities for all that they have chosen to do but also enjoy the rights to make decisions on their own. The right should also apply to their courses selections.)如果他们被强迫选择自己不喜欢的专业课程,他们会有抵触的情绪,进而会影响该课程学习效果。(The more sessions they are required to take, the more defiant and rebellious they become, and eventually many of them have started to be very unsatisfied with the school administration.)+举例论证。

其次,强迫学生学习别的国家的文化,会影响他们自身专业的学习。(Asking university students to study culture courses about another country can also consume the time that is supposed to be spent on their majors, which goes against their major study. Passion and interests are the only motivators of studying. Asking them to take these course is only a waste of their precious time, which otherwise could be spent on designing new scientific experiments and coming up with innovation products.)+具体论证。


让步段:some people may argue that these classes are necessary given that many young people only develop a very limited view of the world. They say that because these young people have not learned about what is happening out there in the rest of the world, their viewpoints are very biased. I completely agree with this statement. However, I do think there are other ways than compulsory courses to cultivate a more comprehensive view of the world. For example, through watching documentaries and travelling, young people can also learn about different cultures, and the time saved from compulsory classes can then be used in the things they consider as most important.





