Topic: humpback whales
1、humpback whales用星星定位,因为他们智力很高。
2、他们一般都走直线,更方便,可以用一些external signs比如星星来定位
1、智力与ability to navigate没关系,鸭子也行,但他们智商不高。
The ability to maintain friendship with a small number of friends for a long period of time is more important for happiness than the ability to make many new friends easily.
1. 因为稳定和依赖产生的幸福感(happiness from stability and dependability)
从长期的角度from long-term angle(从幼儿园kindergarten 到参加工作),你和老朋友共同经历,共享和承担过更多的大事情experience, share and shoulder something big,不管是开心的事情还是悲伤的事情(no matter it is full of joy or hurt),比如说,从开始热恋到失恋be passionately or be disappointed in love ,从失败到最终走出阴霾come out from failure,工作中没犯了错误却被人误解misunderstand,升值promotion加薪或反之,结婚生子等,任何事情都有那么几个固定的人 和你一起经历,共同承担,给你建议,帮助和鼓励,他们曾经你生病或难过半夜打电话给他们时,他们陪在你身边过。曾经在患难时伸出援手,在你行动大计划时能 替你严守秘密。他们的忠诚绝对毋庸置疑:你们彼此给予和分享,完全值得信赖,因为之前他们都是这样做了,才能成为长期稳定的朋友,(对比)而新朋友,因为 没有共同经历过很多事,所以即使你认为他们是可以信赖的,但是因为没有之前种种考验,所以你还是会犹豫,这样的不稳定感很明显不能带来更多的幸福感。 An old friend is the person you can call in the middle of the night if you’re sick or heartbroken, and they’ll offer to come over to help you out however they can. They’re the ones you can turn to in crisis, or will keep secrets absolutely safe if you’re planning something spectacularly wonderful. There’s never any doubt as to whether they’ll be there for you when you need them to be; you can depend on them as well as they depend on you, in a perfect balance of giving and sharing.
2. 更多美好的回忆带来的幸福感(happiness form cherished past)
正如上一段讨论到,如果是长期的老朋友,你们共同经历过很多事情,这样你们就会以各种方式留下很多回忆,生日礼物,书信,短信,照片,录像 (birthday present,letters,instant message,photos,video),这些记录不仅是你们友谊的回忆(not only record your friendship,but also your growing pains),还是你成长的一个见证,比如说你们幼年曾经在一起的玩耍的逗比照(photos of your stupid and loving childhood),青春洋溢的毕业照(youthful graduating photos),结婚生子的幸福照(photos of happily marriage)等,当你翻开照片,打开书信,你会发现你的老朋友无处不在,已经成为你人生的一部分了they have been everywhere and already been part of your life,这些回忆和你跟亲人之间的回忆同等重要(they are as equal important as your beloved family members),同等幸福,对比:而虽然有很多新朋友,但是他们曾经没有进入你的生活,没有分享过你的人生,回忆的带来的幸福感他们是无法给你的 although you may have a lot of new friends, yet they’v never been in your life, sharing all your sorrows and bliss, they can’t give you all the good memory
3. 从少数(few old friends)的角度说,几个固定(fixed)的老朋友更容易形成朋友圈(inner circle),彼此得到更多的建议,和帮助(obtain more advice and help)
如果仅仅是少数的比如说4-5个固定的好友,很容易形成一个大家都认识并且成为朋友的圈子,大家在交朋友时很容易遇到一个问题(come across a problem),只要交往超过一朋友,在和朋友相处时间上就会出现分歧(having more than one friend will bring disagreement in how to arrange the timetable with your friend),比如说和这个朋友相处时间多那么对另一个朋友就不太公平(for example,it is unfair to spend too much time on one friend and desolate the other ),甚至朋友还会产生误解和妒忌(more worse, it might produce misunderstanding and jealous among friends),而最好的方式就是大家都成为彼此的朋友,这样在征求意见的时候还可以得到更多的帮助,大家也可以齐心协力帮助你解决问题the best way for people is they all become friends。而如果交往许多新朋友,就无法做到这一点,however if you have lots of new friends, it will become unreachable.大家不可能都彼此成为朋友,就无法同时给你讨论分析问题,提出帮助和建议,而且过多的新朋友还有可能产生许多相处时间上的问题, 造成矛盾。
1. 新鲜感带来的幸福感(happiness from feeling of freshness)
大量的新的朋友总是能给你带来更多的新鲜知识和消息(more friend would bring you more fresh knowledge and information),他们可能来自不同领域,和你有相同或完全不同的爱好,总能在和你一起相处,如出去旅游,喝茶聊天以及你需要建议的时候提出你意 想不到的新鲜点子(they might come from a different world ,with completely different hobbies and interest, or they might just like you, but no matter where they are from or who they are, when they are with you ,they would surprise you with new and exciting ideas),因为你们才开始交往,还没有完全了解彼此,所以一定会带来更多的惊喜。(this is because you just begin to know each other and this freshness would not be worn out after a really long time )相反,长期的老朋友可能因为长时间相处而太了解彼此,甚至他要说什么话你都能接的上,没有更多创新的idea会减少这方面的幸福感。
2. 每时每刻都有朋友相伴左右,不孤单带来的幸福感(happiness from accompanied anywhere, anytime)
如果能够很容易的交往到许多新朋友,那么你就没有孤单的时候啦,人的一生一直在变动,更换位置,比如更换班级,搬家,进入新的公司,甚至是小小的外出旅游 (people are moving all the time, such as change class, moving to a new house, entering into a new company, or even traveling a little),这时候你在地域上离开了熟悉的家,亲人,邻居,老朋友,都会给人带来不熟悉的陌生感(once having moved, you leave all your familiar home, relatives,neighbors, friends behind, the feeling of downright strangeness and agony will be brought up),你会感觉即使发生了事情,比如生病,失恋,炒鱿鱼等,此时此刻也没有你熟悉的人能够及时帮助你(no one would be able to reach you in time),给你建议,因为他们在远方(because they are far away),但是如果你有广交朋友的能力,这样任何人都可以很快成为你的朋友,比如你刚搬家,邻居就会立刻成为你的朋友,帮你注意房子周围的安全,换单 位,新同事也会立刻陪你吃饭聊天看电影。一个人旅游,也会变成一组人旅游,不论怎样,你都有人陪伴。
3. 许多新朋友最后一个好处就是可以让你受人欢迎,在工作,生活,学习上带来更多的便利。(happiness from popularity)
如果你有广交新朋友的能力,说明本身你的性格,或者身上有优点吸引到别人更愿意和你在一起(if you have the ability to gain trust from many new friends, you definitely have a good personality or other positive qualities such as honesty, dependability or patience that attract people),你的老师,领导都会注意到你这一点(and your teachers or boss will notice),即使你学习成绩没有那么好,工作业绩也没有那么好,但是你有号召力和影响力,他们还是会给你更多的信任和机会,因为你会影响一大帮周围 人。(even if your text results are not that appealing, or your achievements not that stunning,you’v still got lots of opportunities to shine because your good interpersonal relationship would help you)