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Task 1

Which of the following hospital volunteer works would you be interested in doing? Talking to patients, reading to patients or taking care of their families?

Task 2

Some people believe it’s better to wear formal clothes at work while others believe it’s better to wear casual clothes. Which do you prefer?

Task 3

【学生来信】The school plans to extend break time between classes from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.


1) 教室不远,8-9分钟即可到达,即使迟到教授也会理解

2) 教授有office hours可以答疑,比较private,不那么匆忙

Task 4

【名词解释】Sensitizing: 动物在不舒适环境会更敏感

【讲座例子】一种spider会模仿mosquito,发出mating chemical去吸引公蚊子,公蚊子就会被stuck to the web并被吃掉。

Task 5


Task 6

【讲课要点】Social development,儿童在3-4岁一起玩时各玩各的,而在4-5岁时则会用合作用block搭建东西。

Task 1

Describe two cities you visited before and tell the differences.

Task 2

Do you think it’s good to teach primary school students to use computer?

Task 3

The school plans to ask the student to clean the grounds of the university. The girl thinks it unnecessary.

Task 4

Reading: Masking

Animals will be disturbed by environment noise when transmitting and receiving information.

Task 5

The man’s problem is that his roommate’s lamp was broken by his friend and he’s thinking about what lamp to buy.

Task 6

The professor talks about two ways to solve low efficiency problem and keep interest in work.


Task 1双城记应该比较好回答,着眼点可以在交通,设施,人口等硬性城市指标上。



